

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: England
Meaning: gatekeeper
Gender: Male
Lucky numbers: 9, 3, 6
Planets: ♂ Mars, ♃ Jupiter
Metal: Iron
Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius
Day of the week: Tuesday
Gems: Chalcedony Bojo Stone Chrysoberyl Diopside Feldspar Hematite Malachite Fenaktit Peschanik Tektite Yellow Topaz Blue Tourmaline Brown Tourmaline Pink Tourmaline Striped Stone.

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Poston

Poston Name Meaning

You are very charming and popular with others, thanks to your warmth of feelings, understanding and ability to empathize. You are a good friend and a good companion; it is pleasant to enjoy life with you.

Your main support is faith in yourself and the Higher Forces, as well as love for your people.

You should not be afraid of the troubles of life - the name has a truly magical ability to attract help and opportunities for achieving your goals at the right moments.

You are an idealist; you love your family and friends, your home. You are very sensitive to beauty, especially in people. You are capable of a strong, all-consuming love, but it can quickly fade if your chosen one does not coincide with your ideal of beauty and perfection - both in terms of character and personality. You are particularly displeased with pettiness of people in their deeds and actions. In addition, you can’t stand it when you are under pressure or thrown off balance.

As a rule, the carriers of the name enjoy good health, but it can be weakened by too hard work and negative emotions, such as envy, hot temper, or hostility. So take care of yourself!


Personality number Six. Quite often people with the number Six don’t care about developing their own style and image. Generally speaking, quality and comfort of clothes are more important for you, than being trendy and stylish. The only rule you should probably stick to is to ensure that your look doesn’t spoil the impression you are trying to create – that you definitely deserve trust.


You are gifted with a strong personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed to implement your inherent abilities in this or that way. This desire often determines your choice. But you have plenty of abilities and they are very diverse. Consequently, there may be several ways to implement them. That’s why you often have to give up one opportunity to choose another. You’re lucky if you are prudent enough to focus on a particular goal, and direct all your energies to achieve it. Too bad if you try to kill two birds with one stone, unwilling to sacrifice even a small chance of success. In such a case, you risk wasting your soul’s potential in vain, squander it, and use it up to no avail. Thus, you risk ending up with nothing. You should have more trust in your heart. The surface gloss and frippery that usually adorn lives of artistic persons just don’t matter. In the right moment it’ll prompt you the right decision. So try to get the hint.

Name Poston Love & Compatibility

Poston, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. Being in love gives you the feeling of fullness of life and everlasting euphoria. Your gift to find the beauty in every prospective partner is striking and admiring. However, as soon as a relationship loses its charm of novelty, it becomes mundane and obligatory, and your interest in it fades away. Although you often cope with the breaking up itself quite easily, the memories of it remain rather painful for you for a long time because you like to recall and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.

Poston - Love compatibility

Poston - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Poston

1 22 -
- 5 66
77 - 9


One figure implies weak character with stubbornness taking its place. Instead of personal opinion you get objections to what’s been said. No solutions, no real plans.


Two figures imply average energy level. The amount of energy is enough to be active in any sphere of life. Initiative and communication ability is average.


No figures implies purely humanitarian nature. Choosing technical disciplines as the subject of study would be a mistake. Putting such knowledge to use is impossible.


No figures value signals of weak physical condition. The state of health should be constantly monitored to avoid harmful situations.


One figure signals of weak logic. It implies problems with understanding of what is happening around, lack of ability to predict the most probable scenario.


Two figures signal of a master who can dedicate their life to the process of creating fundamental works, or create tens of masterpieces every day. Work brings joy.

LUCK (77)

Two figures imply high level of luck. If there are at least some minimal prerequisites for a positive outcome, there should be no doubt about it.


No figures value implies that sense of duty is in its infancy. As a consequence there are no stable relationships, credibility or financial independence.


One figure signals of weakened ability to hold information in mind. Poor memory, if not trained, can be a hindrance in all spheres of life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Poston

See also

Names By Origin