

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: England
Meaning: measure for measure a dis ...
Gender: Male
Lucky numbers: 5, 16, 7
Planets: ☿ Mercury, ♅ Uranus
Metal: Mercury
Zodiac sign: ♊ Twins,♒ Aquarius
Day of the week: Wednesday
Gems: Alexandrite Cornelian Heliodorus Peridot Tsinkit.

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Barnardine

Barnardine Name Meaning

One of your major flaws, according to your friends, is ingratitude. You rarely remember the help you got, but at the same time, you often claim what does not belong to you. You consider that you have the full right to do so in connection with your merits in the past. This approach also often leads to conflicts.

Alas, you can hardly be called a real family person because you do not want to constantly bear the burden of responsibility: it limits your love of freedom. So, if you think a relationship has lost its novelty and become a burden, you will easily break it.

If you have not received a good upbringing or education, then your qualities are impulsiveness, indiscipline and offensive behavior. This causes conflicts and incidents. You can even get into trouble with the law if scandals in your surroundings force you to commit rash actions or cause sharp remarks.

It is impossible to remake you: in order to feel happy, you need a bright, active, eventful life as much as air you breathe. Only in this case will you become a reliable partner and a faithful spouse.


Personality number Seven. Awareness of their own elegance instills a Seven with self-confidence. It is important for you to be well-dressed, look fit, and respectable. Sometimes your look can serve as a shield that helps to shut yourself off from people you don’t want to talk to at the moment. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes very bright, but always appropriate, attracts and assures a better disposition of others towards you.


You are a introvert. All your aspirations and desires are focused on yourself. Therefore, taking any decision, you tend to choose what is more likely to contribute to your growth and improvement. And every such choice increases the distance between you and the rest of the world. Over time, this shell becomes thicker, and the possibility to break through gradually fades away. But even the most solid shell may one day fail to stand the pressure, and eventually crack open. And then, in spite of all your outstanding abilities, you’ll find yourself helpless as a hatchling. Neither intelligence, nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can make up for vitally essential skills of communication and mutual understanding. You’d better learn to treat your individual qualities not as a commodity that can be sold, but as an instrument for teamwork. Self-respect is definitely worth a lot, but the good graces of others are not a trifle.

Name Barnardine Love & Compatibility

Barnardine, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity”. You are extremely picky about any connections, be it friendship or a closer relationship. In both cases, the partner must absolutely meet your ideal criteria; otherwise you will easily do without them. But if you do find a person who fits into your high standards, then you give yourself to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for a partner, misled by your outward closeness and alienation.

Barnardine - Love compatibility

Barnardine - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Barnardine

11 2 -
4 55555 -
- - 999


Two figures imply gentle nature. Praise and gratitude serve as support for it. Friendliness is constantly manifested.


One figure implies insufficient energy potential. Therefore, any action is aimed at getting the approval of others which acts as a charger.


No figures implies purely humanitarian nature. Choosing technical disciplines as the subject of study would be a mistake. Putting such knowledge to use is impossible.


One figure implies that there is no apparent predisposition to illnesses, but heavy physical activity should be avoided. The best way is to get higher education.

LOGIC (55555)


No figures value implies almost no physical work efficiency. Preference is given to intellectual labor with the exception of hopeless situations.

LUCK (-)

No figures value implies low level of luck. It’s best not to count on sudden gifts of fate, but rather on your real capabilities and skills.


No figures value implies that sense of duty is in its infancy. As a consequence there are no stable relationships, credibility or financial independence.

MEMORY (999)

Three figures and more imply exceptional ability to assimilate information. The problem is that large amounts of knowledge complicate the right decision making process.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Barnardine

See also

Names By Origin