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Name Summary

Origin: India
Meaning: lakshmi`s feet
Gender: Male
Lucky numbers: 44, 4, 8
Planets: ♂ Mars, ♄ Saturn
Metal: Iron, Tin
Zodiac sign: ♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn
Day of the week: Tuesday
Gems: Calcite Cinnabar Coral Dioptase Ivory Black Lignite Markazite Mika Opal Selenite Serpentine Smoky Quartz

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Padmacharan

Padmacharan Name Meaning

You have a strong character, you are accustomed not to speak but to do; others often depend on you. But to achieve harmony in life, you need to find and set a balance between rest and work.

You are a faithful and loyal partner in love and marriage, but with so many ambitious plans, you may not have enough time for a visible manifestation of your tender feelings, even if you are deeply in love. It is unacceptable! Love is designed to soften your character and make your life more harmonious; that is why you must not neglect the object of your admiration to please your ambitions.

Contradiction is typical of your character: seeing a worthy goal in front of you and realizing the enormous opportunities of the planned business in case of success, being able to correctly guide and choose performers, you can suddenly begin to hesitate, or even step aside and give others the right to win the award.

You are the embodiment of vigorous activity; you are always busy doing something. Your turbulent energy can force you to take part in several activities at once, to utter surprise of your less efficient colleagues and to the detriment of your own health. Such activity is able to nullify even the goal for which you are working. Therefore, you need to learn to rest and relax in time, as well as get rid of the tension and feeling of rivalry which always accompany excessive efforts.

Your number is the number of sincerity and honesty. Sometimes it is common for you to speak out straight and rough and the frequent blunders of others can outrage you. But you quickly calm down and rather tend to blame yourself than the others. You are often prone to constant soul searching and guilt; don’t go too far in this! Especially when you need to solve problems or deal with difficulties.


Personality number Four. Pragmatism of the Four is reflected, among other things, in the manner of dressing. First of all, you should pay particular attention to the quality of things you buy. Preference should be given to long-wearing, comfortable clothes of simple and strict low-key style. Dressing up as if you were going to a ball doesn’t suit you at all.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain your stable position, your status, and use every opportunity to strengthen it. It may call for hard work – well, you are ready. For you, the ideal world order is something like a heavily-armed fortress that can withstand any siege, as its pantries are full, and the arsenal is kept in perfect order. All the military actions are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, so you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external encroachment. However, your unshakable stronghold may turn into a prison for others. Imposing your views on your loved ones, you restrict their freedom of choice, as you just offer them your own ready-made solution. Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone wanted to come out from the inside and opened the gates. You should always remember to make your choice approved by those whose sake it is actually made for.

Name Padmacharan Love & Compatibility

Padmacharan, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage, the creation of a family. Therefore, you (and those like you) have always been the goal of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adults of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; lack of understanding, uncertainty, and unstable situation are unacceptable for you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. Although your manifestations of feelings often lack sentimentality, external brilliance and ostentatious prettiness, there will always be someone who appreciates them.

Padmacharan - Love compatibility

Padmacharan - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Padmacharan

1111 - 3
4444 5 -
7 88 9


Four figures imply whole and strong-willed nature with unbending principles and leadership ambitions. Questing for dominance is the foundation of motivation.


No figures value signals of an energy vampire with zero energy resources. The only way of ensuring development is using someone else’s energy as a tailwind.


One figure implies versatile interests, both in humanitarian and technical areas. Only empirically can you choose the most suitable area of application.

HEALTH (4444)


One figure signals of weak logic. It implies problems with understanding of what is happening around, lack of ability to predict the most probable scenario.


No figures value implies almost no physical work efficiency. Preference is given to intellectual labor with the exception of hopeless situations.

LUCK (7)

One figure means that anything is possible. Still, don’t make plans hoping for good luck, rely on your assets to be less dependent on luck.


Two figures and more show acute sense of duty and responsibility. When the value is “888”, it may turn into mania and cause loss of touch with reality.


One figure signals of weakened ability to hold information in mind. Poor memory, if not trained, can be a hindrance in all spheres of life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Padmacharan

See also

Names By Origin