

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: France
Meaning: caretaker
Gender: Male
Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 8
Planets: ☉ Sun
Metal: Gold
Zodiac sign: ♌ Leo
Day of the week: Sunday
Gems: Aquamarine Beryl Copper Kauri Magnet Mica Muscovite Chrysolite Sapphire Sandstone Turquoise

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Norice

Norice Name Meaning

You are a true friend and a pleasant companion with a great sense of humor. You have an innate nobleness, delicate taste and dignity. You enjoy communication, but you usually prefer old friends and trusted colleagues to a company of unfamiliar people. You sincerely respect wealthy people who hold a high position in society.

Your fads are cleanliness and discipline. You are annoyed by mess, carelessness, lack of principle, vulgar speech. Having a subtle, spiritualized nature, you try to avoid unpleasant situations and inappropriate companies. This can cause problems in married life.

There may be occasions when you, being by nature a strong-willed and gifted person, may look like your complete opposite - shy and unsure of yourself. By your excessive aggressiveness and boasting, you often try to hide the feeling of complete loneliness. Such a problem is solved by getting a good education, professional training and kind, wise support of close people. It is the right environment that will help you cope with a sense of your own worthlessness and powerlessness.

You can make your life considerably easier and achieve significant success if you strive to realize your individuality and receive professional training from a young age.

You believe that only you can be demanding. Deeply respecting yourself, you expect that others will appreciate your importance and uncommonness.


Personality number Eight. Obviously, famous names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to replenish the vocabulary of Eights. You always need to look “comme il faut” to prove that you belong to a certain circle, and confirm your position and status. This is the only way how you can feel at ease, and, consequently, show kindness, friendliness, and easily get into contact.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. So, the fundamental principle of your soul’s aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that could result in violation of the usual state of things are alien to your nature. However, on no account will you fight those who attempt to create such an imbalance. For you, better a lean peace than a fat victory, so you need to turn your enemy into a friend using tact and diplomacy. It’s no surprise that you have plenty of friends and almost no enemies. You are able not only to find a compromise solution in any situation, but to awaken the best feelings in those who are set against you. However, although you might know exactly what to do in every situation, you may not have the right choice made yet. The choice should be reinforced by actions. And this is where your indecisiveness often fails you. It’s nothing like shyness or fear of the consequences; it is just hesitation in the process of searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

Name Norice Love & Compatibility

Love for you is an urgent, sometimes unconscious, everyday necessity. Therefore, your tenderness towards a partner often feels quite burdening, and your care sometimes borders on obsessive compliance. However, you are absolutely sure that you are doing everything right and you demand an adequate (from your point of view) reaction to your deeds - gratitude and admiration. , you are very vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, you often get irritated for no apparent reason. When you don’t have a partner “at arm's end”, you get a feeling of abandonment and uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will be pleased both with your touching affection and with your selfless devotion. Then your union will be long and harmonious.

Norice - Love compatibility

Norice - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Norice

1 - 33
- 55 6
7 - 99


One figure implies weak character with stubbornness taking its place. Instead of personal opinion you get objections to what’s been said. No solutions, no real plans.


No figures value signals of an energy vampire with zero energy resources. The only way of ensuring development is using someone else’s energy as a tailwind.


Two figures imply clear predisposition to exact sciences. This does not mean that other areas are completely out of reach. However, technology is the best choice.


No figures value signals of weak physical condition. The state of health should be constantly monitored to avoid harmful situations.

LOGIC (55)

Two figures signal of a 100% pragmatic person. Any statement not based on your personal experience arouses distrust. They have the talent of working out the events for years to come.


One figure signals of weak predisposition to manual labor which may be possible as a hobby for fun, but not as a main job for the sake of profit.

LUCK (7)

One figure means that anything is possible. Still, don’t make plans hoping for good luck, rely on your assets to be less dependent on luck.


No figures value implies that sense of duty is in its infancy. As a consequence there are no stable relationships, credibility or financial independence.


Two figures mean good memory which provides the ability to handle large amounts of information. This is useful both at work and in private life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Norice

See also

Names By Origin