

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: India
Meaning: heartbeat of the earth
Gender: Male
Lucky numbers: 3, 14, 16, 5, 7
Planets: ♃ Jupiter
Metal: Zinc, Tin
Zodiac sign: ♓ Pisces, ♐ Sagittarius
Day of the week: Thursday
Gems: Amber Amethyst Avanturin Chrysopase Dolomite Brilliant Herkmayer Lapis Lausr Morganite Pyrite Ruby Pink Sapphire Sardonyx Sugilite Blue Topaz Black Tourmaline Tsavorite.

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Nitesh

Nitesh Name Meaning

By the way, your garrulity can do you another bad turn: because of your intemperance of expression, you risk losing friends or missing a lucky chance. At the same time, your gift of eloquence (if used correctly) can contribute to the achievement of your goals in the shortest possible time.

If your children are also Threes, by no means focus on their weaknesses and shortcomings. They need to be encouraged and helped to develop their imagination as often as possible.

You are capable of strong love and affection. In love and family life, you are faithful to your chosen one, and for their sake, you are sometimes inclined to sacrifice yourself and your interests for a long time. However, this situation is also possible in relation to other close people: friends and relatives (parents, sisters, brothers, etc.)

Your critics may be right to some extent: if you live only for pleasure, luxury and satisfaction of your own ambitions, without the use of your creative talents, you can gradually turn into a complete egoist.


Personality number Seven. Awareness of their own elegance instills a Seven with self-confidence. It is important for you to be well-dressed, look fit, and respectable. Sometimes your look can serve as a shield that helps to shut yourself off from people you don’t want to talk to at the moment. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes very bright, but always appropriate, attracts and assures a better disposition of others towards you.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any limits or restrictions oppress your soul, hindering its movements like heavy chains. You need space. That’s why, when choosing between stable prosperity and the unchallenged right to be your own master, you invariably opt for the latter. Whenever the destiny gives you an opportunity to somewhat diversify your life, you won’t hesitate to give up what you already have in favor of the new, yet unknown. “To let the grass grow under your feet” is obviously not for you. You go through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The very process of movement is what your soul desires. You should only remember that a hundred friends will never replace a friend of heart. Your unwillingness to forge stable relations and fix upon certain affection for a long time can soon pull you into a vacuum of utter loneliness so hard to put up with. So do your best not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring pleasure.

Name Nitesh Love & Compatibility

Nitesh, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection but do not tolerate interfering with your freedom in any form. As long as you feel that the marriage bond turns into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unequivocally, bringing imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus attention on your marital responsibilities, your coexistence can be long, calm and happy.

Nitesh - Love compatibility

Nitesh - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Nitesh

1 2 33
- 55 -
- 8 9


One figure implies weak character with stubbornness taking its place. Instead of personal opinion you get objections to what’s been said. No solutions, no real plans.


One figure implies insufficient energy potential. Therefore, any action is aimed at getting the approval of others which acts as a charger.


Two figures imply clear predisposition to exact sciences. This does not mean that other areas are completely out of reach. However, technology is the best choice.


No figures value signals of weak physical condition. The state of health should be constantly monitored to avoid harmful situations.

LOGIC (55)

Two figures signal of a 100% pragmatic person. Any statement not based on your personal experience arouses distrust. They have the talent of working out the events for years to come.


No figures value implies almost no physical work efficiency. Preference is given to intellectual labor with the exception of hopeless situations.

LUCK (-)

No figures value implies low level of luck. It’s best not to count on sudden gifts of fate, but rather on your real capabilities and skills.


One figure implies understanding one’s duties, but no desire to fulfill them. So there is no right to demand anything.


One figure signals of weakened ability to hold information in mind. Poor memory, if not trained, can be a hindrance in all spheres of life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Nitesh

See also

Names By Origin