Birth Day Number 22 potentials
It is this unusual combination that determines your course of action, and thence your opportunities. In practice it is as follows: you can give birth to a genial idea, work out its implementation in all the detail, and literally witness its brilliant result. But immediately after this you start searching for errors, deficiencies, and weaknesses in your schemas. Sure enough you find them. And your practicality helpfully tells you what serious problems these shortcomings are fraught with.
Consequently, your idea remains an idea. And whenever something like this happens, you lose your mental strength, courage, and self-confidence. You should be a bit less idealistic while generating ideas and a bit less practical while planning specific actions. Then you won’t be disappointed.
Optimal growth area for professional development
You can easily choose area for your professional self-realization almost arbitrarily: your combination of good intuition, practicality, and diligence allow you to handle any job. That’s why people of your type are present everywhere – from the House of Parliament and art salons to coal mines and laundries.
But you also have the innate ability to be successful, so you probably should pay particular attention to occupations allowing not only for flawless execution of daily routines, but also for genuine breakthroughs leading to great achievements. You need to achieve a real victory at least once in your life.
Influence of Birth Day Number 22 on the choice of partner and family life
In family life, you will be a real dream come true for those who have never been married – a byword of reliability, steadiness, calmness, and rationality making you want to run away from as fast as you can.
If you didn’t start a family at an early age, you probably shouldn’t bet on passion alone. And, of course, you shouldn’t choose a person with a higher level of temperament. You are looking for someone who can appreciate your definitely positive qualities and wouldn’t expect you to perform any meaningless tricks.
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