
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Numerology of House and Telephone Number

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Voice of the Universe

You may not fully realize how many numbers are constantly present in your life. Numbers are so commonplace that you seldom give them any attention. It is a big mistake: they are those very signs that the Universe places on your way every day. Some people attach too much importance to them, while others totally ignore them.

To figure out who is right, in the first place you need to understand what every number is in its functional essence. It is not a secret. A number – any number – sets a certain frequency of vibrations of the Universe. And the Universe, figuratively speaking, broadcasts round-the-clock across the whole frequency spectrum.

On frequency 1, its vibrations initiate courage and determination, on frequency 2 – peacefulness, on frequency 3 – artistry, and so on. And numbers present in our life are transmitters that help us hear the voice of the Universe. But only a few of them are tuned to the right frequency matching our own vibrations.

House Number

Influences of numbers around us are certainly unequal, neither in force, nor in duration. For example, the number of the row and seat indicated on your cinema ticket, being inconsistent with your Numerology Core numbers, may make you stop watching the film already in the first minutes. Or you may force yourself to sit through the entire film constantly feeling a slight inner discomfort that will definitely have an effect on your perception. But even in the worst case, the torture will not last longer than three hours and will leave no mark in your memory.

As for the number of your house, it is a stationary transmitter that may work for years and dozens of years. It can make your life either extremely pleasant, or truly unbearable, – depending on the frequency it is tuned to.

If you live in an apartment building, its number sets one and the same rhythm for all its residents. I would bet that you have two or three people among your neighbors who feel absolutely uncomfortable with this rhythm.

Such people never take part in common events, shy away from any contacts beyond everyday greetings and, in general, do their best to be as invisible as possible. And if you find out once that in their circle this person is the life and soul of the party, you will realize that they are not a misanthrope, and, in fact, they are devoid of inborn asociality. The thing is that the atmosphere determined by the number of the building weighs heavily upon them.

If such a person is actually you, you should seriously consider moving house. In most cases, this will be a well-grounded solution. With one exception: when the number of your apartment or your own house coincides with one of your Numerology Core Numbers.

Apartment or House Number

If there is such a coincidence, once you close the door, you will feel like behind a stone wall. No matter what kind a whirlwind your life in the outside world is, your apartment or your own house will be your safe harbor, the area of absolute safety, the place where you feel perfectly safe and can always refill the energy you have spent.

But it works until it is your own residence. When you start sharing your apartment or house with your partner with different Numerology Core Numbers, your comfort zone will turn into a hot frying pan – conflicts will break out again and again. Then you will be able to enjoy a positive effect only when you are alone.

The question arises: what to do if this happens? What should you change – your home or your partner? First, this is hardly possible if you choose your partner based on the principles of Numerology or simply by listening to your heart. Anyway, it is a separate matter and we will return to it.

And, second, you can always decide what is more important for you to keep: your home you feel good at, or a partner you feel bad with.

But if, for any reason, this choice is impossible, you should resort to a reasonable compromise. Namely, you should find a house with the number that will at least in its separate digits coincide with your Numerology Core indicators and with the same of your partner.

By the way, if you live in a big city with street numbers, you should choose the street number with the same care. Otherwise, good neighborly relations that can to a certain extent mitigate the tension in the family will remain an unattainable dream for you.

Telephone Number

Another number which has acquired almost a dominating influence in the recent years is the Numerology number of your telephone number.

Strictly speaking, inconsistence of this number with your Major Numbers can be identified even without Numerology, just by external features. If, for example, even your closest ones cannot remember your telephone number, it means that your image in their perception in no way associates with this set of numbers.

Or: you say your phone number to someone and they write it down with a mistake. It is also a sign of a possible discord, and its negative influence will immediately manifest itself: this person will not be able to call you. And, after some two or three attempts they will simply forget about you.

If you have noticed something like this or, even more, have experienced various inconveniences caused by this, you ought to change your number as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will remain a factor of negative influence on your life.


Make a Numerological analysis of all numbers that constantly surround you. Identify inconsistencies. If you find any, think of the measures that you can take to neutralize their negative influence.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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