
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Numerology Compatibility

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Interest in Numerology compatibility directly depends on one's age and their negative experience accumulated over the years of unsuccessful relationships. It is negative experience that matters here, as those who lost partners they had been happy with are usually open for a new relationship. The same applies to young people, who have no reason to think that their sweetheart’s good looks may be a cover for some negative traits.

The third, conscious stage of active search is choosing a partner on the basis of Numerological parameters. This stage will be covered later, and I will start from the beginning so that you can see the cause-and-effect relations that define the parameters of this search at each stage.

The first stage is of no interest for serious research: as I have already mentioned everything here is based on physiology and even apparent vices of either partner turn into merits in the eye of the other.

The only issue worth discussion in this regard is the end of such relationships as it marks the beginning of the second stage, which is highly interesting.

"What do Women Want?"

Let us start with women – it is they who set the "rules" at this stage. The first and the most important rule is: the stronger a woman’s sense of disappointment after the first serious relationship is, the more she will require from all her subsequent ones. Judgments of a woman with failed expectations are seldom objective, therefore, another item may be included in her list of requirements for literally any, even the slightest deviation from the ideal.

It is obvious that the length of this list is proportional to the time that the search will take, and inversely proportional to the chance that this search will be crowned with success. Thus, she simultaneously makes two mistakes that lead to the same result: the walls that she builds to steer clear of dead-end relationships will turn into a tomb for the best years of her life.

"What do Men Need?"

"There's only one thing" is the truth learned by the fairer sex from an early age on. It is what it is, at least, when a relationship starts. And men, even those who have experienced emotional trauma, behave accordingly. They never make any demands and, even more, express their readiness to accept a woman with all faults, whether real or perceived.

But effects of such traumatic experience, as well as suspicion inherent in all men, will soon make themselves felt. One by one, items on a woman's list start to vanish (females are always ready to sacrifice), while men's fastidiousness keeps steadily increasing. They notice every little thing, and their judgments are never in favor of a woman.

Points of Contact

It is quite clear that reciprocal claims against each other can never provide a solid foundation to build a strong relationship. It needs traveling on a parallel course, rather than head-on. Only points of contact can provide for this co-directional movement.

Sometimes even one point is enough to keep a man and woman together, and give them time to get used to each other. If more than two contact points exist, they can easily supersede all items on the lists, all "mandatory" merits.

Only a few come to understand this simple truth. It is they for whom the third stage of active search ends successfully. Anyway, they no longer waste their priceless time on fruitless waiting for a fairy-tale character.

Compatibility Analysis

The best way to ascertain that a couple share common interests is to conduct Numerological analysis of compatibility based on the key indicators: Life Path Number, Expression Number, Soul Urge Number, Personality Number and Birthday Number. You can check out prepared results of this analysis through an interactive service developed for this purpose.

So I will not delve into unnecessary details to describe each of the numerous situations. I will only say that although there can be 100% compatibility by one indicator, the total result seldom exceeds 70%. It means that 55% compatibility over all parameters gives reason to believe that you have found the ideal partner.

At the same time, the result below this benchmark does not indicate a clear-cut incompatibility. If you were attentive in our previous lessons you certainly know which Numerology Core Number has a dominating influence on your life. Use it as a reference. Good compatibility by this criterion is the point of contact in this case.

Compatibility of Life Path Numbers

It is widely accepted that sharing the same drive for results has a beneficial effect. I would add: provided that the partners' interests do not overlap and that they both have enough resources to achieve the goal.

If one of the partners' goal requires that the other sacrifices his or her own right for self-fulfillment, different options are possible. Someone will not mind sacrificing, while for the other personal ambitions are more important than the relationship. So you should dot the i's and cross the t's before the relationship progresses too far.

Compatibility of Expression Numbers

Compatibility of abilities guarantees a smooth relationship almost in any case. A talented person will always respect gifts of another. But even if one of the partners has no expressed talent whatsoever, it will not preclude a solid long-term relationship in the couple.

The only exception may be the situation when both partners have the same field where they fulfill their abilities. Yet it may not be so. Indeed, despite canonical instability of marriages between people of art, a lot of situations are known when spouses coexist in harmony on the same stage.

Compatibility of Soul Urge Numbers

There is a great number of hidden pitfalls. Here is a very simple example. It could not be better if desires of both partners are governed by Two: both will strive for peace and harmony.

However, if both of them have Soul Urge Number 5, conflict of interest is more than likely: no-one will be willing to give up their freedom for the sake of keeping the relationship alive. But if both partners preserve the right to be their own master, they will hardly ever bore each other.

Compatibility of Personality Numbers

Good compatibility of these indicators has a dominating influence at the early stage of relationship. At least, in most cases. Rational people choose partners based on the principle of likeness or, if you want, equality.

However, it is not unusual that compatibility of Personality Numbers remains the crucial factor for years. One of the partners may be the epitome of all imaginable vices, but the other will continue loving her or him for their vicious appearance.

Compatibility of Birthday Numbers

This type of compatibility is of paramount importance for emotional people. If both partners are prone to spontaneous actions, their relationship will hardly ever be stable. But this unstable relationship may last forever. One will always know the rationale behind the other's decisions.

But still, it is better when partners have different Birthday Numbers. Lightning always needs a lightning rod: one of the partners' reactions should always instill balance in their relationship.


Carry out several compatibility analyses using your acquaintances' details. Focus on the extent to what the results correspond the the quality of the relationship with each subject of the research, rather than on the numbers and percents. You might be friends with someone you are supposed to love.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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