
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Ideal Partner. Practice of Search

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First Love

Life experience helps us avoid repeating our mistakes of the past, – it is an axiom. However, this rule does not apply to intergender relations: the more mistakes we have made in the past, the higher the chance to repeat them in the future.

It is most likely that the "magic of the first love" is in the chemistry that once and forever determines the most attractive personality type for us. Shy boys like bright, independent girls, while girls raised in strict households are attracted by aggressive, "brutal" boys who refuse to abide by any rules.

As time goes by, they come to the understanding that aggressive behavior is nothing but a sign of cowardice and emotional bankruptcy, and "brightness" requires countless sacrifices that can cause irreparable harm to a yet undeveloped personality.

Still, this understanding rarely contributes to real experience. A respectable wife and mother still goes weak at the knees seeing a brazen young lad who shows her no respect. A decent statesman forgets everything at the sight of obvious seductiveness and shamelessly flaunted young female body. This attraction to much younger partners, or nymphophilia, is not a perversion: we simply return to a stereotype formed in the past, to our first love.

Using Numerological indicators to look for a partner is a purely pragmatic approach. Although physical attraction is still the backbone of any relationship, it should not be your start point.

Criteria of Choice

As Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different result." It seems though that most people who actively search for the ideal partner do not understand this simple truth. Anyway, their criteria of choice never undergo a serious adjustment.

Bur they need change, if only because your list of essentials to happiness is what you can offer to your potential partner. So he or she will examine this offer as thoroughly and meticulously as you. If no one has ever shown any interest in it for years, then it is high time to learn to see things in a more realistic light.

For instance, millions of women dream of doing what Cinderella did – achieve wealth and rise high in society through marriage to the right man. But only a few succeed – those who have more to offer than good looks and a young body.

Choosing a Partner Based on Birthday Number

Birthday Number is in charge of Emotional Plane features which are essential for relationships. A tendency to fall in love easily is the first among them, followed by affectionate nature, inclination to family life. This personality trait cannot be hidden, but it should be treated with special care and caution.

Never try to use this trait of your partner if his or her feelings are not reciprocal. An emotional person with failed expectations is capable of any madness.

Another cue that helps to minimize a probability of making a mistake is energies. If you are prone to spontaneous reactions and impulsive actions, you will easily find the like of you – they will be seen and heard.

Compatibility of Birthday Numbers is of crucial importance for active search. You already know how to identify it, so I will just give brief interpretations for you to have an insight into distinctive behavioral characteristics of each number from 1 to 9.


The One deals with both little flirtation and a growing committed in the same way. It will take a while to understand what is on their mind. It is no use trying to put pressure on them: thus you will merely hasten the finale.

The One is easily recognized: it is the first person who will catch your eye, no matter what exactly will grab the attention – appearance, behavior, clothes or an outstanding accessory. Anyway, you will hardly guess wrong.


The Two values every relationship, so they will easily let you get as close to them as you want. But unless they see you as the ideal partner, you will never look into the depths of their soul. And you will feel that the way they treat you has nothing to do with obligations to you. They go on living and searching.

You will easily recognize the Two. They may never keep a high profile, but their appearance always makes the finishing touch to a picture.


You will never have to look long for the Three – they claim your undivided attention from the first minute you meet. Their behavior is a sort of an aptitude test. If you stand it, you go forward to the second round. Otherwise, "exit is over there" without a second try.

The Three will act the same towards all members of the opposite sex around, and this is how you can unmistakably identify them.


Even if you are the Four, too, you can no sooner identify the like than you actually start communicating. But then you will recognize them by the abundance and subject of questions they ask.

It is not that the Four thinks of every new acquaintance as a potential beginning of a marital relationship, but they will definitely make a point of testing any new contact from this perspective.


Even when celebrating your twentieth wedding anniversary with the Five, you still do not know what prevails – things that attract you to them, or things that annoy you. Relationship with the Five is like riding a roller coaster: fear gives way to excitement, excitement turns into fear.

A distinctive trait of the Five is their offbeat appearance. So keep in mind that such people are sometimes so obsessed with their image that they grow indifferent to the rest of things.


The Six tends to enjoy the utter delight of falling in love much more than any other number. Take care not to ruin the magic to avoid pulling down the temple built in your honor.

As for the Six, is it possible to fall in love with them just by talking on the phone. Voice is the Six's strongest weapon, even though they so often refuse to believe in its bewitching power.


Relationships with the Seven may be prone to personal space issues. You may use the Seven's unquestioned trust and naivety for years, but still be unable to access their inner world. If it finally opens to you, you are indeed the ideal partner.

You will at once identify the Seven by an air of detachment. Even in a bustling crowd they will look as if they are walking alone in the forest and enjoying the silence.


If you need the Eight, look for luxury clothes, expensive accessories and oodles of money that they are willing to splash out here and now. However, all this applies until the Eight needs a committed relationship.

If they see you as the ideal partner, they will do whatever it takes so that you remain unaware of their financial standing until you get married. The Eights are more likely to be deceived than anyone else.


The Nine is a maximalist. With their royal ambitions, someone of good kin is not good enough. They do not dream of a Cinderella-like destiny, but expect it, and unabashedly pursue rising in social status through marriage.

The Nine is easily identifiable by their vibes of ardent curiosity. They need to know everything about everyone. They make it a point not to waste their effort on trifles.

It is obviously far from a complete list of traits to find your ideal partner. Only a detailed Numerological analysis can identify a 100 percent match. You cannot ask your potential partner when their birthday is or how their name is spelled on a first date.

But the guidelines I have given you are more than enough, provided that you know for sure what you want and what you are worth. 


Numerological analysis will help you to understand your value as a potential marital partner. Taking your strengths and weaknesses into account, make a list of what you want to get in marriage. Do not ask for more than you can offer. It will be your first conscious step towards happiness in love.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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