
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Numerology and health

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Information that I am going to share with you in this lesson lies in the domain of Applied Numerology. It is a purely practical, pragmatic segment of Numerology concerned with a certain aspect of humans' life.

It can be predisposition to a specific profession, or criteria of choosing a partner, or seemingly unexplainable luck, or even belief in "lucky" numbers that rule over our destiny. But quality characteristic still ranks first; it is so significant and comprehensive in its meaning that it cannot be put on a par with any of the above. It comprises our health, both physical and mental.

This is what we are going to talk about today, considering different points of view on the issue. Such points of view are numerous, as health problems appeared exactly when human civilization itself emerged. Yet the last word is still to be said, despite all medical advances.

Particular Features of Ancient and Modern Medicine

Contemporary methods are, of course, much more effective than the ones that used to be practiced in the past, but now are almost completely forgotten. However, even thousands of years before the invention of X-ray examination and laser surgery, diseases were still diagnosed and treated with primitive yet effective means.

These means and methods still exist. But people who know how to use them, witch doctors and healers, have evolved into sorcerers, fortunetellers, herbalists, numerologists and astrologers, who are snobbishly ignored by traditional medicine.

Their help is sought by people who have been given up on by modern doctors. And sometimes (not always, of course) such people get real help. As I see it, the reason is that the disciples of ancient wisdom are not specialists with niche expertise. They treat a person as a single whole of body and soul thus being able to discover cause-and-effect relations, which are simply unknown to present-day surgeons, therapists, orthopedists, cardiologists. They have never been taught to do so!

For example, there is a commonly known case when Russian Numerologist A. Alexandrov, knowing only a person's birth date, with nothing but a pencil and notepad, in 5 minutes made a diagnosis that doctors had been grappling with for 2 years, despite having his complete medical history and state-of-the-art technical facilities and tools at their disposal.

Today you will learn how it is possible.

Numerological Diagnostics

Life Path Number determines potential opportunities given to each of us from birth until our last day on Earth. But opportunities, first and foremost, depend not on the potential as such but on the extent to which we can use it at any given time.

In our previous lesson I gave many examples of how an unexpected outbreak of an illness may bring all our theoretical constructs to naught and mess up all our plans.

This happens, though, if such outbreak is unexpected. Numerology helps us determine the likelihood of this or that illness and take timely measures to prevent them. Life Path Number is in charge of physical health problems and injuries, while Expression Number is responsible for mental diseases.

Below you can find interpretations of the aggregate influence of each number on a person's health.

Interpretations of Numbers from 1 to 9

  1. Despite all the stability regarding physical health, Ones are prone to the risk of heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases and, consequently, liver diseases. Among Ones, there have been cases of high meteosensitivity – they should beware of colds and possible complications.

    The One's mental health is directly linked to their self-care. For instance, if they sleep well and enough, it will be easier for them to calmly react to external irritants.
  2. The most probable diseases for Twos are those related to unhealthy diet: cachexia, frequent dizziness, stomach cramps and hemorrhoids.

    The Two's mental health is directly connected with the feeling of being safe and secure. Without this feeling, Twos may develop mental diseases – from excessive suspicion to paranoia.
  3. Threes hate going to doctors. This frequently leads to having skin problems, quite often neglected ones, gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis) and chronic heart diseases. Their contraindications include fatty and spicy food.

    To maintain good mental health, Threes need to minimize contacts which are fraught with negative emotions. A profession implying team-work is not recommended.
  4. Higher risk of injury. Although Fours recover fast after accidents, after-effects accumulate over time and take their toll.

    Mental health is characterized by predisposition to various sorts of addiction. First and foremost, it is alcohol addiction. In fact, hence all the injuries as well as genitourinary diseases, which may cause negative impact on Fours' emotional state.
  5. Fives are often susceptible to cerebral disorders and diseases of the nervous system in general. Likely conditions include neuroses, insomnia, upper limb dysfunction.

    To maintain mental health, Fives need to take care of themselves. Proper diet and healthy sleep can save them from lots of troubles.
  6. Propensity to cancers associated with unhealthy lifestyle. The same may cause genitourinary diseases, sometimes triggering male impotence at an early age. The main advice is practicing temperance and moderation in everything.

    A severe chronic disease may have a destructive impact on mental health of such person. But even without it, chaotic life drives into despair and apathy, leads to low self-esteem.
  1. Sevens should abstain from smoking and alcohol. Otherwise, they are likely to develop heart and lung disorders, vision impairment.

    The quality of mental health is strongly linked to Sevens' increased sensitivity and some sort of a maximalist attitude. Such people are emotionally unbalanced, prone to stress and nervous disorders.
  1. Eights make it a point to take care of their health. Apparently, this is because they are vulnerable to all sorts of diseases: from problems with teeth and spine to epilepsy and paralysis.

    As for the Eight's mental health, it completely depends on their physical condition. "Mens sana in corpore sano" (or "a healthy mind in a healthy body") is exactly about people like them.
  1. Nines' increased sensitivity generally makes up for their poor physical health. They are susceptible to STDs, over-fatigue, headaches.

    For such people, staying in good mental health requires peace and comfort, not an overly demanding job, as well as smooth relations in their close environment.

Numbers and Body Parts

According to various Numerological sources, Numbers and human body parts are directly connected. I have not discovered such a connection yet, but can already assess the potential of this line of research.

The thing is, if a person enters a year of the number Three, they should know what parts of their body should be given special care to avoid the most probable problems.

As for now, I offer you interpretations of these links that were discovered by L. Dow Balliett at the beginning of the 20th century:

1 – respiratory system, genitourinary system, skeleton;

2 – muscles;

3 – circulatory system, liver;

4 – throat, thyroid;

5 – oral cavity, pancreas, arterial system;

6 – upper limbs, kidneys, venous system;

7 – lower limbs, gastrointestinal tract, organs of hearing;

8 – brain and spinal cord, skin, reproductive system, spleen, organs of smell;

9 – nervous system, organs of vision, hair.

Birthday Number and Physical Health

Another popular method to predict probable diseases is based on the connection between a person's date of birth and their health:

  • The One (born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th) – the likely problems include eye, lung, heart conditions. Months of increased risk – January, May, October.
  • The Two (2, 11, 20, 29) – digestive system. Potential problems: poisonings, development of tumor. Months of increased risk – January, April, November.
  • The Three (3, 12, 21, 30) – nervous system. The likely problems include overstrain, nervous breakdowns, skin problems. Months of increased risk – February, June, August and September.
  • The Four (4, 13, 22, 31) – atypical, undiagnosable diseases. High probability of injuries, mental disorders, suicidal behavior. Months of increased risk – January, May, October.
  • The Five (5, 14, 23) – they are likely to suffer from emotional problems, potentially leading to various other disorders, including memory loss. Months of increased risk – January, March, December.
  • The Six (6, 15, 24) – potential problems include respiratory system conditions, allergic reactions. Women may need breast specialist consultations. Months of increased risk – January, February, April, August.
  • The Seven (7, 16, 25) – probable conditions include minor digestive disorders. As for mental problems, they may be rather severe. To steer clear of them, Sevens should avoid focusing on negative occurrences in their life. Months of increased risk – March, October, November.
  • The Eight (8, 17, 26) – they are likely to have problems with liver and bile ducts caused by improper drug therapy, as well as knee injuries. Months of increased risk – February, July, August, December.
  • The Nine (9, 18, 27) – you are not in any danger of serious diseases, but injuries will always plague you. Stay away from fire and all sorts of weapons. Months of increased risk – January, May, July, December.

The Rosicrucian Tradition

One of the most famous methods of control over a person's physical condition is described in medieval (early 17th century) texts of the Rosicrucian Order. Although this method is not directly related to Numerology, it is based on the same principle of cyclicity that underlies Numerological techniques.

So, according to the philosophy of the Rosicrucian Tradition, each year of life is divided into seven 52-day periods. These periods correspond to the most significant changes of our physical condition, which is directly related to our body's ability to resist this or that health problem.

An important remark: the beginning of each cycle incorporating these periods is not the same as the beginning of each calendar year. The cycle begins and ends on our birthday. That is, each of us has an own individual system.

It is also very easy to calculate the beginning and the end of each period. You just need to count 52 days from the calendar date of your birthday (day and month). It will be the end of the first period and the beginning of the second. Add 52 days more – it will be the beginning of the third period. And so on.

Interpretations of the Periods

Period 1. You are in ideal physical condition. Even if you get ill, it will not take you long to recover. Still, overstrain is not recommended.

Period 2. Your physical condition is rapidly changing. You can expect problems with your stomach, circulatory and nervous system. This gives you more reasons to stay in your right mind.

Period 3. High probability of thermal and mechanical injuries: burns, bruises, breaks. Avoid unnecessary risk and overexertion.

Period 4. Making far-reaching plans is not recommended in this period: you may run short of energy before you implement them. Have more rest to save your energy for later.

Period 5. Your mind is open for external influences – both positive and negative. Stay alert, and try not to give in to carnal temptations.

Period 6. Your reproductive system is at risk. Moderate your enthusiasm, eat healthy food and spend more time outdoors.

Period 7. Your physical condition is now at a low ebb. Stressful situations are very undesirable. If you need to undergo a surgery that requires a plenty of vital energy, you had better postpone it.


Study this information with regard to the numbers of your Numerology Core. Some of the related to you warnings and recommendations here may be well-timed.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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