
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Name change

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You know that Numerology Core Numbers determine a person's true nature. Today we will discuss whether this nature is unchangeable. And if not, what particular changes it may undergo.

Life Path Number has the key role in formation and development of personality. Its influence can manifest itself in different ways at different stages, but the overarching goal that it determines – fulfillment of the mission – never changes.

But the means to accomplish the mission change all the time. We master our rudimentary abilities and acquire new skills. It may be very difficult at times to identify the connection between one's childhood hobbies and their adult job.

Why is Expression Number, which is responsible for our abilities, more flexible than Life Path Number? For me, the answer is obvious.

The world is constantly changing. Configuration of the Universe is inimitable at every moment of time. It means that the combination of vibrations corresponding to the moment of your birth is also unique. It is this combination that sets the direction of the path and its final goal. One's birth date cannot change, hence the unchangeability of the path.

However, people change names quite frequently. Whether we want it or not, change of the name results in the change of our expressions on all levels, as only in rare cases Expression Number, Soul Urge Number and Personality Number of the new name correspond to the same indicators of the previous one.

Even more: it is the circumstances initiating the name change that often have an irreversible impact on our habits, inclinations, desires and abilities. But the truth of this statement makes the opposite one equally true: if you want quality changes in your mind, change your name.

Changing Surname in Marriage

Changing surname in marriage is the simplest and the most illustrative example to prove the above statement. I will make a remark first: not every woman takes her husband's surname when they get married. Especially nowadays. Such a decision is seldom made for the sake of euphony.

If some Grace Smith, when getting married, has nothing against being called Misses Charles Adams from then on, she demonstrates her readiness to change. In particular, it is the readiness to forgo everything which is acceptable for a girl but not for a married woman, and undertake responsibilities befitting her new status. As time goes by, she truly acquires new skills, habits and desires, while her external appearance gets more mature and respectable.

However, if the same Grace Smith has no intention to change her name, it means that motives that led her to get married are of purely egoistical nature and she does not see the change of her status as a ground to change on the personal level. Moreover, for her, the relationship that has ended into a marriage is, most likely, not something long-lasting or final. When they find out about such a decision of their future wife, grooms generally feel worried. And they have all the grounds.

Changing Full Name

Changing full name is always renunciation of belonging to your kindred and breaking a bond with the family. Indeed, when a woman becomes the wife of her husband she does not cease to be a daughter of her father. She simply changes one family for another. On her father's genealogical tree, her line does not break off then, while on her husband's one, the couple forms a new branch that may give a limitless number of shoots.

It is a harmless situation though. Actually, people change names for all sorts of different reasons. The most frequent one is immigration. A person moves to another country and, naturally, wants to assimilate to the new environment to avoid sticking out.

They change their name guided by the desire to change its expressed national affiliation and, at the same time, give it the epiphany of sound. It is normal practice in the USA. When they move to the United States, immigrants from all around the world anglicize their names or take new ones.

But a change of three Numerology Core Numbers results in transformation of the person's nature. Their skills are enough to learn a foreign language. If immigration is for the reason of job search, they acquire the skills required by the new job. If the country where they come allows doing things prohibited in their homeland, one's wishes also change as the range of the accepted gets wider.

Forced Name Change

The decision to change the name is quite frequently based on one's unwillingness to be identified as a law violator. Not necessarily as a raper or a serial killer. For example, a doctor banned from practice does not want a fatal mistake he made one day to ruin his life. So he or she changes the name.

But a forced name change hardly ever transforms one's personality. For people in such a situation, it is only a means to avoid responsibility, and attempt to break with the past.

Habits, desires and, like it happens in most cases, appearance or main abilities do not change under these circumstances. There are no objective reasons for this. Therefore, a con man will remain a con man, a marriage swindler will continue living off women, while an embezzler will sooner or later "borrow" money from the cash register at their new job.

Pen and Stage (Screen) Names

It is the most common situation when people of a certain occupation change names. Any reason mentioned above or all of them together may become a driving force.

A wish to assimilate turned Zanzibar-born Farrokh Bulsara into British singer Freddie Mercury. Phonetic features of the pseudonym were also taken into account. Perhaps, Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jiménez who became Jean Reno – simple but with taste – had the same motives.

Norma Jean Baker, born Mortenson, is a canonic example of transformation of a person's nature after taking a screen name. Number of the name Marilyn Monroe is one. Taking the name, the actress acquired new appearance and initiativity that made her a cult figure. Unfortunately, hence her tendency to experiment and celebrity habits, which accelerated her death.

As for pen names, adopting one can be grounded by a desire to see a simple, easy-to-remember name on the cover of your book, or exactly the opposite - willingness to change a banal, nondescript name given at birth for a more sonorous or even mysterious one. Therefore, Samuel Langhorne Clemens became Mark Twain and Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowicki – Guillaume Apollinaire.


Carry out comparative Numerological analysis of former and new names of people you know. Try to identify how change of the name transformed traits of their personalities and affected their lives in general.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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