
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Numerology and Career Choice

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"Key to the Safe"

Numerological study on signs of Destiny and, in particular, on Lucky Numbers is the most paradoxical one from the perspective of human perception. When they start studying Numerology, people wait eagerly to obtain specific practical information that must at once make them rich and happy. And what can be more specific than the precious Lucky Number?

When they do finally get it, they take it with greater distrust than any other. They indeed expected something completely different. In the popular mind, the Lucky Number is a kind of a key to the lock of a huge safe with all the treasures of the world. When they fail to find such a key in the Numerological constructs, they get bitterly disappointed.

However, the key is there. Moreover, it, figuratively speaking, has been in your pocket since the first day of your life. In fact, it is rather a bunch of keys than a single one. My task here is to teach you to see the keyholes. It is indeed to see instead of trying to adjust the reality to match your view of it.

Signs of Destiny

There is an old tale about an unlucky horse gambler who saw the number 6 in a dream and decided he learnt how to hit the jackpot. On June 6, he got up at 6 a.m., went to the hippodrome to be there when race six started and bet 6 thousand on horse 6. The horse came sixth.

The question is why he decided that it was to come first. Above all, signs of Destiny must be read properly. They are everywhere. The Universe that gave us life unfailingly cares to help us live it happily. It is not its fault that we often reject its care.

Learning to Read Signs of Destiny

I need to say that to "read" is not the most appropriate definition here. It is more like to "set yourself up for perception." The Universe continues vibrating on the same frequency with the moment of your birth. Consequently, as long as you stay on this frequency you will succeed. When you leave it and try to use another, the run of good luck will be over.

Here I need to make a short remark. By the end of this lesson you will know everything about your Lucky Numbers. And, perhaps, you will try to apply this information in practice capturing all numbers around you in your mind and assessing their potential influence.

In two days, however, you will forget about it: daily problems will force information on the need to notice and analyze manifestations of external world out of your head. Everything will come full circle.

Even and Odd

To avoid this, start with the basics. With regards to luck, "the basics" are even and odd. For example, my Life Path Number is 7 (odd number), and Expression Number is 4 (even number). That is why I always try to use the first (odd) opportunity, and usually chose the second, even, option among the two possible choices when it comes to implementation of my abilities. By doing this I increase the chance of a favorable result, even though just a little.

For the first little while, you can follow the same principle. This will make you accustomed to the system and, at the same time, release you from the need to make lots of calculations on the go.

The only thing to remember is that universal signs of Destiny, the ones common for everybody, do not exist. If only exclusion is, perhaps, events of the global scale. In the rest of cases signs are purely individual and addressed personally to you.

So it does not really matter whether a day of the week or month is even or odd. But if, for some reason, you wake up at 7 a.m. instead of your usual 8 a.m., the whole day will go under the sign of the odd. And odd numbers will have a positive influence on its course.

Lucky Numbers of Life Path and Birthday

Basic qualities of numbers never change. The numbers derived from the date of your birth may help you ensure good luck in respect of abilities. The main factor to pay attention to is the factor of time: calendar date and clock time.

If, for example, your Life Path Number is 4, your Lucky Numbers are the four and its derivatives. This means that you should make appointments for all important business meetings, which may determine the quality of your life for the years to follow by its result, on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st day of the month. If your Birthday Number is 5, the time of the exact meeting should be 16.00 or 5.00 p.m. Other variants do not suit you.

On the whole, you should look at your watch more often. In a certain situation, even the minutes indicated by the minute hand may have a decisive influence on your life. All numbers that get into your view in the circumstances in this or that way related to time have the same qualities. They will provide you with guidance on the way to the "keyhole."

Lucky Expression Number, Soul Urge Number and Personality Number

Based on the same correspondence principles, you can identify Lucky Numbers derived from your full name. The fundamental factors here include everything related to names.

That is, the day of going on a first date can be set using the Life Path Number – this may turn out to be your Destiny. But the ideal option is when the numerical value of the cafe, restaurant or street name of the planned meeting coincides with your Soul Urge Number. It is the desire that will guide your actions.

In the same fashion, a prospective place of work where everything will depend on your abilities should be chosen if the numerical value of the company name corresponds to your Expression Number. Only after that should you set the date and time of the interview.

Based on these simple rules, you will feel confident in the world of Lucky Numbers. Just do not forget: 90% of luck depends on the consistency of your actions. And 10% – on favorable combinations of circumstances.


Identify your Lucky Numbers based on the date of birth and full name. Always keep them in mind to see signs of Destiny in the abundance of incoming information. It is extremely useful.


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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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