
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Repeating Numbers On The Clock

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I see repeating numbers on the clock, and notice them all the time. If it is a consistent pattern, what should it mean?

 It depends on a person. For some people, recurring numbers on the clock are just a confirmation of their ability to notice the unusual. For others, they are advice on allocation of time and abilities. And for somebody, the meaning of repeating numbers is equivalent to emergency signal calling for urgent response.

For everyone, the meaning of numbers on the clock is, first and foremost, a time schedule that they follow to organize their day. Even those, whose day is limited to a TV guide, check the time once in a while – at least not to miss a film or sports program of choice.

As for more active and industrious people, the meaning of numbers on the clock indicates how well they keep to their own schedule. Or, rather, not only this, if they are not only active but also curious.

In principle, it can be said that the meaning of repeating numbers is directly connected with the person's knowledge about the features of numbers and how seriously they take it. Although most Numerological sources offer standard interpretations of the meanings of repeated numbers on the clock, conclusions and, the more so, reaction to the information obtained, depend only on the person it is meant for.

Information is everywhere where there is a numerical code – regardless of the number combination type. It can be a repetition of numbers with the same meaning, or a pair of numbers that mirror each other, or, finally, just four identical numbers.

The question is what sequence of which numbers exactly you noticed when you looked at the clock face to tell the time.

Meaning of Main Clock Numbers

However, before we start probing into the meaning of repeating numbers, let us consider situations when the meaning of clock numbers corresponds exactly to a certain even hour. That is, when the clock shows zero minutes, for example, 08.00. It is also a combination of symbols that can be met no more (and no less) often than any other.

In this case, the meaning of the main number and, accordingly, its interpretation, should be taken into account.

  • One. You have trouble focusing your energy on the main goal. Perhaps, you are wasting your potential to satisfy immediate desires.
  • Two. Contradictory nature of your of own personality can be mitigated on the basis of other people's reaction. You had better refrain from behavior that triggers most negative emotions.
  • Three. You need to learn to better navigate through life. Try to impartially assess your past achievements and failures. It will help you make your future goals more visible.
  • Four. Perhaps, you are not practical enough, although you have a different opinion of yourself. Try to first assess to what extent your occupation and lifestyle match your health and physical abilities.
  • Five. A signal that there are more unreasanable risks in your life than it is acceptable from the common sense perspective. Figuratively speaking, you are climbing up the downpipe to the point which you can reach by elevator.
  • Six. Your tendency to avoid conflicts might be explained not so much by peacefulness as by fear of war. Try not to lie to yourself, otherwise you can lose your main leads.
  • Seven. It is mystical message telling you that in the recent future – days, hours – you will be given a chance to make a discovery that can radically change your understanding of the reality and your views on life.
  • Eight. It might well happen that today of all days you will be able to make a decision that will have a formative influence on your future destiny. Be especially thoughtful even when it concerns a trifle matter.
  • Nine. A situation similar to the one when you once made a wrong choice will arise. It is your second chance. Take it to get a different result. Otherwise, you will keep going around in circles.

It is obvious that the remaining divisions are attributable to two-digit numbers. Their meanings correspond to the sum of respective numbers. For instance, 17.00 is eight.

Interpretation of Repeated Numbers' Meanings

Now, let us turn to our main topic – recurring numbers on the clock and their meaning.

There is a subtle point that should be mentioned here before we proceed. When it comes to evaluating the meaning of repeated numbers on the digital clock, many are perplexed, – in the sense that digital display watch is a relic of the past that has long gone out of fashion.

Perhaps it is true. But all people have mobile phones. Most of them show the time with digits, rather than arrows.

But the main thing is that contemporary life has changed peoples' attitude to time tracking. In fact, we look at our phone screens much more often than representatives of the pre-mobile phone era used to look at their watch. It means that we see repeating numbers much more often as well, but we pay no attention to their meanings.

It is a pity though. It may be that mobile phones with an inconspicuous timer in the corner of the screen appeared exactly for the reason that someone high up had decided: it is about time to raise the alarm! The human race has lost its way. People need to learn to adjust their actions by bringing them in compliance with a uniform system. The best way to do it is through identical numbers on the clock, whose meaning should be understood by everyone.

Anyway, it is only a hypothesis. But the fact still remains the fact: bulk SMS messages, friends' messages on social media and incoming calls make us cast a glance at the phone screen almost every minute. Consequently, we have more chances to notice repeated numbers on the clock and try to understand the meaning of these coincidences.

And, finally, we do not need outstanding imagination to figure out that a quarter past three in the afternoon is 15.15. That is, a repetition of numbers having the same meaning. Which one? Let us check against the list below. It contains all the answers.


  • 00:00 – the meaning of pair numbers in this case should be interpreted as a warning: the day will go wrong, and you will fail to achieve anything serious.
  • 01:01 – a promise of a lucky day. If you have new plans, try to start them today.
  • 02:02 – you may get injured or have more serious health problems. Take care of yourself.
  • 03:03 – things you have started will end up well. But before this happens, avoid taking up new initiatives.
  • 04:04 – the repetition indicates a period of increased vulnerability. Avoid taking risks.
  • 05:05 – in this case, the meaning of number repetition concerns personal relations. It is a positive sign – which is quite understandable if you are awake at five-something in the morning.
  • 06:06 – the meaning of repeated numbers stands for the day of total success. Schedule all difficult problem solving for today.
  • 07:07 – the meaning of identical numbers indicates that you will attract special attention of the others. You may not like it.
  • 08:08 – these repeating numbers on the clock are an indication of warning. Beware of troubles during the day.
  • 09:09 – you are lucky if you are not married and if it is Friday. This weekend will be full of love.
  • 10:10 – the most promising combination. Relax! Everything will be just great.
  • 11:11 – the meaning of these double numbers is a key to the Aladdin's cave. Expect gains.
  • 12:12 – coincidence of numbers on the clock that indicates the heaven's promise to take care of your Earthly needs. There might be a great stroke of luck for you.
  • 13:13 – you should not feel uneasy, 13 dos not necessarily mean bad luck. Just do not let anything throw you for a loop.
  • 14:14 – an interesting combination meaning that you will see someone who has been around all the time in a new light.
  • 15:15 – not the most favorable combination. Change your pace to avoid a collision with an obstacle on your way.
  • 16:16 – seeing this combination will make you recall things that you have promised to your close ones for today. And you will definitely fulfill your promises.
  • 17:17 – a signal that financial risk will be justified. But – all in good measure.
  • 18:18 – if you need money, borrow it. You are unlikely to be refused a loan.
  • 19:19 – this combination should be perceived as a signal that the ground crew gives to a reckless pilot. Whatever you do, stop immediately. You are one pace away from a catastrophe.
  • 20:20 – complications in private relations are more than likely. Take a hold on yourself, do not lose self-control.
  • 21:21 – double "blackjack" is a signal to stop. It is up to you, of course, but you had better follow the advice.
  • 22:22 – the meaning of these double numbers on the clock calls for the utmost caution. The day is not over. Stay on the lookout.
  • 23:23 – 37 minutes more, and the day will end. Whatever it has been, tomorrow will be better than today.

Mirror numbers

Well, there is the only nuance to discuss. It is mirror numbers on the clock, whose meaning is interpreted individually. What are they? These are indicators like 02.20, 12.21, 23.32 and so on. The amount and nominal value of coinciding numbers in these cases are the same as with repeated numbers, but they should be read in a different way.

The thing is that the meanings of mirror numbers are similar to those of repeated numbers containing the same figures. But achievement of the equivalent result requires special effort and closer attention. Otherwise, the outcome can be exactly the opposite.

And, finally: do not try to keep staring at the clock and wait for a repetition of numbers. It will mean nothing.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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