
Part 4 - Practical Numerology
Numbers and Loneliness

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By casting a glance at one's Numerological chart an experienced Numerology specialist can not only identify personality type but also predict the most probable course of events in the person’s life.

Life Path Number, apart from some basic information regarding our abilities, also contains data for predicting one's future in a different way – in his or her personal aspect. To one degree or another, the external depends on all Numerology Core Numbers. But predisposition to a certain style of life, in particular, to loneliness, is encoded in Life Path Number.

External Signs of Predisposition to Loneliness

Loneliness is studied at designated institutes and research centers. It is quite clear: nowadays, more than 30% of the global population suffers from loneliness, and this figure is steadily growing. However, there is no solution to the problem yet. The thing is that the most generally accepted signs that allegedly indicate a potential loner in practice turned out to be incorrect.

For example, unattractive appearance and unsociability have always been deemed as a "stamp of loneliness". But, in fact, these very people especially value relationships that they have and will make any compromises to keep them. At the same time, conventionally beautiful people tend to have heightened self-esteem, but no one buys the "goods" that they offer at an exorbitant price. As for an abundance of social contacts, it is a reliable indicator that a person will be never content with a single relationship. Moreover, they will shy away from relationships that entail mutual commitments.

"Living alone, being alone and feeling lonely are three different social conditions," says Eric Klinenberg, PhD. That is to say, for some people loneliness is a free-will choice. But we are interested in the situation when being lonely is an unwanted status. Along the way, we will discuss the connection between Life Path Number and predisposition to loneliness.

Life Path Number as a Measure of Predisposition to Loneliness

Before we proceed to specific numbers, I would like to note that there are no stereotypes and unbreakable rules here. The One, predisposed to "acting solo" by definition, may not necessarily be lonely, while the Two, who initially has partnership aspirations, may not find a partner in their entire life. The final outcome depends on the total of all the signs common to all numbers almost in equal measures. So now the question is, which one will dominate where it counts.


These people show a complete disregard for authority, cannot stand orders or any intervention in their business. The partner who expected to build equitable relationships will find this position unacceptable.

In contrast, the dependent partner will live in clover. The One will give them care and attention, being absolutely certain that without the One's help the partner is totally helpless. Love and generosity will be fueled by awareness of own uncontested superiority.


The Two is "programmed" to kind and peaceful relationships, with everyone and in any situation. But it is a weak position for a long-term connection that sometimes needs pepper and boiling oil.

Another distinctive trait of the Two is attention to detail. Certainly, everyone has their flaws, so the Two will notice every fault of their partner. When too many accumulate, the Two will peacefully end the relationship.


Giftedness often goes hand in hand with promiscuousness: it does not really matter for the Three who is with them; they always aim to take the dominant role in any relationships. That is why they never value them.

The only chance for the Three to avoid loneliness is having a practical-minded partner for whom "talent" is an empty shell, a means to cover up one's helplessness.


The Four is considered to be initially disposed to marriage – for them, family is an indispensable attribute of stable existence. They can even close their eyes to their partner's light-minded attitude, which strongly reduces the likelihood of a break-up.

But if the partner's thoughtless actions damage the family's financial situation or social status, the Four will never put up with it, and consciously choose to stay alone.


The Five values independence above all else and seldom makes any commitments at early age. It always seems to them that if they get active, a better option will come along.

At the same time, the Fives are capable of accumulating life experience better than others. Experience will free them of the ghost of loneliness suggesting that a partner with wide interests will make a decent alternative to endless search. The only thing is to find points of contact.


At first sight, problems are virtually impossible. Of all people, the Six with its devotion and ability to sacrifice for their partner's good, has 100% insurance against loneliness.

But it is not that simple. The same moral virtues make the Six touchy, fussy and highly sensitive even to the slightest signs of indifference. If they do not feel gratitude from their partner, their loyalty may give way to hatred and aggression. Not everyone will stand it.


The Seven's habit to keep even their closest ones at arm's length not letting them inside their own world often leads them to loneliness. It is not that the Seven will have to live alone. But they will have to be alone, no matter how many people are around them.

Smooth relationship is possible if the partner puts up with such attitude and never tries to dig into their soul. But a strong emotional connection is hardly likely.


Such people are a part of society more than others. Their work, career, income, status will always come first.

A partner can complete the package deal with their guarantees against loneliness, in addition to sex and "entertainment services", but only in return for adequate compensation: financial independence and certain freedom of action. But the Eight will be left with nothing if they attempt to impose their will on the partner.


With the Nines, things are complicated. It is always that way. The thing is that the Nine's inflated demands are highly individual. It means that if there is even a slightest doubt about the partner's integrity, the Nine can refuse a person being endowed with all sorts of virtues, and prefer a quarrelsome, rough drunkard having at least one quality which is in line with their idea of the ideal partner.

So the partner just needs to give them confidence here and now. And the Nine will make up the rest.


Evaluate your merits from the point of view of long-term relationships and try to find out the traits that the person should have to release you from the stamp of loneliness.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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