
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Numerology And Its Practical Use

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People prone to mysticism call numerology the Magic of Numbers. Those who try to find the kernel in everything call it psychological statistics. The truth is probably somewhere in between because indeed there is something supernatural in the science which allows to see the inner essence and nature of human motivation with the help of elementary mathematics.

Yet, there is nothingin numerology that can’t be comprehended logically and understood by anyone who wants to learn how to manage their lives through the ability to “read” people. First of all, it is the ability to “read” oneself.

Principles of numerology

To understand what numerology is and what its principles are based on, it is necessary to accept the truth so well known that we no longer think about its meaning: the Universe is a single whole, it is a strict, ideal system governed by laws that humanity is only beginning to comprehend.

However, we have been able to use it for a very long time. There is no paradox: our ancestors milked cows, having no idea why the milk is there. Similarly, the Divine Idea, remaining incomprehensible to people, does not exclude the possibility of following it.

This Idea is nothing more than a sequence of cause-effect relationships. Like any other sequence, it can be calculatedmathematically. Numerology is a section of this mathematical modelling which relates to Person - their character, type of motivation, and opportunities.

"Coordinate system" in numerology

From the point of view of this ancient science, any of us can be imagined as a brick in the Great Wall of the Universe. Every "brick" has its exact coordinates - the distance from the beginning of the wall, the height from the ground, its place in the masonry.

The counterpart of such coordinates for each person is their full name and date of birth. They determine the Life Path Number, the Soul Urge Number, the Expression Number, the Appearance Number, as well as other indicators, which are no less important to defineprecisely all nuances of the person’s inner essence.

Ancient and modern numerology

It should be mentioned that the fundamentals of numerology are based on the ancient Phoenician alphabet and the numerical values of each letter. A special role here belongs to the Greeks, and, in particular, to Pythagoras, who systematized these properties of the alphabet. The subject of the study itself will be modern European numerology, which is also called Pythagoreannumerology.

What is this science for?

Once you have understood the validity of numerologylaws and learned to use this science in practice, you will rise as high as the next stage of your spiritual evolution and take a step towards understanding what is called the Plan of God.

In a more common sense, you will take control of the events of your life, removing an element of surprise. After all, you will know exactly who will act in this or that way in this or that situation. You will also know how you are going to act in any situation.

In the next lesson, I will tell you how to count all of the numbers mentioned above and many others, and how they affect the individual behavioral characteristics of a person.

In the meantime, revise this lesson to make the following ones easier to understand.

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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