
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Personality Number

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Earthly Number

While the name's vowels reflect one's emotions and represent the spiritual essence, the consonants are directly related to their material and earthly aspects. The sum of numerical values of the consonants in one's full name is called Personality Number (sometimes referred to as Appearance Number).

Personality Number is one of the five Major Numbers. It means that it is no less important for Numerology than the Life Path Number or Expression Number. Let us try to understand how much it is justified, and whether the Personality Number influences our life to the same extent as other Major Numbers.

What is Personality?

The concept of personality is often identified with the concept of appearance. Appearance is only what a photo camera captures, while personality also includes motor skills inherent in the person since birth, their personal manner of behavior, peculiarities of speech, and dozens of other traits that we just leave unnoticed when it concerns us. All these features have either been present since day one, or are being formed throughout the whole life. We have got used to what we see in the mirror.

As for people around us, it is quite a different story. In this case, our vision, hearing, and even smell instantly capture smallest personality details starting from inherent features, such as limping, nervous tic, stuttering, lisping, to acquired ones – untidiness, loud voice, tendency to disregard personal hygiene rules. All these are components of one's personality.


Such features rather often give rise to nicknames that substitute one's middle name. "Cross-eyed", "limp" or "stutterer" only refer to one's inherent flaws, while "Dirty Harry" or O. Henry's "Whistling Dick" bear evidence of the person's behavior or semi-professional characteristics.

Nicknames constitute the material for a separate Numerological research, results of which are as important as the analysis of the full name given at birth. If you have or had a nickname, you should definitely calculate the sum of numerical values of its constituent consonants. The result will help you understand what exactly your nickname is or was – weight on your shoulders or wings behind your back.

Meaning of Personality Number

Personality Number contains information on how we are perceived by others, what they see in us. It cannot be hidden, as the personality, unlike the appearance, is formed subconsciously. One can resort to various tricks trying to create the image of an angel on Earth. But the real face will show itself through any number of makeup layers – maybe not at once, but eventually it will.

A beautiful, well-groomed and well-dressed woman reading a magazine on a bench in a park attracts admiring, kind glances. But suddenly a crying child runs up to her and she, instead of soothing him, gives him a harsh reprimand for having stained her skirt. Others' benevolence fades away immediately, giving place to frank hostility. Although the same beauty is sitting on the bench, the perception of her image has irreversibly changed. Now she is a spiteful fury, undeserving happiness of being a mother.

Calculation of Personality Number

Summing up the foregoing, I can say: only calculating the Personality Number and establishing the correlation of the obtained value to other Major Numbers enables us to draw up very cautious conclusions on the prospects of use of our looks. (I am referring, of course, not to the numbers as such, but to their interpretations).

This calculation is very simple – just put all the consonants in your full name in the chart that we have already used, and then add together all the numerical values. The final sum will be the Personality Number.




































The Meanings of the Personality Number

Personality Number 1 – the need for constant attention from others. Appropriate clothes, restraint and the ability to look your best give the best results.

Personality Number 2 – tidiness, neatness, soft lines in clothes and accessories. Although your look isn't eye-catching, your charming manners make up for it.

Personality Number 3 – you're bright, have an artistic nature and smile a lot, which indicates friendliness. Expensive clothes and jewelry will be appropriate if worn reasonably.

Personality Number 4 enchants with a complete lack of unnecessary details. A formal and neat look. The right choice of clothes indicates practicality.

Personality Number 5 – style and behavior aimed at standing out even on the brightest background. Keeping up with fashion is tiring but gives good results.

Personality Number 6 – indication of your indifference to the impression you make. Instead of gaudiness and chic, you choose quality and comfort. This evokes trust.

Personality Number 7 – style and elegance thanks to good choice. Reserved friendliness is reliable protection from backslapping with friends.

Personality Number 8 – the image of a successful person, a darling of fortune. You can be economical, but you always wear expensive clothes and brand-name accessories.

Personality Number 9 – willingness to emphasize your natural strengths. Good complexion, well tended hands and a slim body are much more valuable than fashionable and expensive clothes.

Here are a few examples for illustration:

Angela Dorothea Merkel

ANGELA= (согласные: N,G,L) 5+7+3=15, 1+5=6

DOROTHEA= (согласные: D,R,T,H) 4+9+2+8=23, 2+3=5

MERKEL= (согласные: M,R,K,L) 4+9+2+3=18, 1+8=9

We put the consonants in the chart and see that the number of consonants in the German Chancellor's first name is 6, the middle name number is 5, and the surname number is 9. By adding these results together, we obtain Angela Merkel's Personality Number. 6+5+9=20, 2+0=2

I guess that no one will argue that this woman's image is a peacemaker. Anyway, this is how most people see her.

Dwayne Douglas Johnson

DWAYNE= (consonants: D,N) 4+5=9

DOUGLAS= (согласные: D,G,L,S) 4+7+3+1=15, 1+5=6

JOHNSON= (согласные: J,H,N,S,N) 1+8+5+1+5=20, 2+0=2

Add together 9+6+2=17, 1+7=8 This is the Personality Number of a famous wrestler and actor, the number of a Master outstanding for his perseverance, brilliant performance talent and undeniable successfulness.

Now let us turn our attention to the fact that back in the days Duane Johnson added a pseudonym to his name – The Rock. That is,

THE ROCK= (согласные: T,H,R,C,K) 2+8+9+3+2=24, 2+4=6.

Perhaps, the actor believed that this nickname would make his image cooler. But, instead of being scared, everyone developed even a greater liking for him. This is because number 6 represents kindness, cordiality and humanism. Still, negative characteristics of the Six include ruthlessness and obstinacy. It might well be that this is how someone sees Duane Johnson.

If your Personality Number coincides with your Life Path Number, it means that you need to develop an image corresponding to the requirements of the task ahead of you. It is a direction for conscious actions. And if your Personality Number coincides with your Expression Number, then you can rank your image among your abilities and use it as a gift.


Calculate your Personality Number and study the interpretation of both the full name number and the numbers of each of its components. If you have a nickname, make a separate calculation. Then try to analyze the acquired information. Perhaps, you need to change the way people view you.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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