
Part 1 - Numerology Core
Karmic Numbers

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Every science has its hidden pitfalls. When you fall into them, you realize that it is not that simple as it used to seem in the beginning, and that these pitfalls should be a matter of special attention.

In this respect, Numerology is no exclusion. When we calculate any of the Numerology Core numbers, there are special cases when the result is not reduced to a conventional number of the first ten. These are Karmic Numbers: 13, 14, 16 and 19.

What is a Karmic Number

Presence of a Karmic Number in one or more Numerology Core indicators means that your current incarnation has inherited a debt that you must repay. Otherwise, everything that you have learned about yourself will have only superficial importance. An unpaid Karmic Debt will become a thorn in your astral body, a hindrance in all of your undertakings.

Whatever you plan, whatever you expect – the circumstances will always develop so that all of your plans will collapse, expectations will turn sour, and you will go back to square one, having wasted time and effort. Each of such cases damages your confidence in yourself, your desire to live an active and bright life.

Influence of Karmic Numbers

Each of the Karmic Numbers corresponds to its individual type of influence, its demands and, definitely, its own methods helping to solve the problem. It is very easy to establish a regular pattern that determines these demands. For example, when calculating one of the Numerology Core indicators you have discovered number 13. Further reduction would give the Four, which is indicative of such qualities as industriousness, patience, diligence.

Having 13 means that these are the traits that you lack. You need to take efforts to acquire them, because otherwise all your attempts to succeed are doomed to failure.

It is quite the same with the rest of the Karmic Numbers. If calculations give 14, you need to cultivate an ability to respond adequately to changing situations and bear responsibility for every step you take at every stage of your life. These traits are inherent in number 5.

If you have 16, you are an egoist who suffers from loneliness and never lets go of insults that, as you see it, give you the right to put the burden of responsibility on others. These are negative manifestations of number 7. You need to get on with people, otherwise you will end up at the bottom of life.

Finally, if the result of your calculation is 19, it means that the influence of the Karmic Debt has turned the One's leadership skills into a tendency to undertake too much, never accepting help from others. Then you reproach them for leaving you without support at the critical moment. If you never learn to team up with other people when implementing your projects, even the most brilliant initiatives will add insults to your collection.

How to Identify a Karmic Number

I think it is clear that if you get 13, 14, 16 or 19 at the second last stage of the calculation, Numerological reduction should stop here and this result should be final. 

For example, if you were born on September 21, 2000, you have Karmic Number 3+9+2=14, 1+4=5 and can only hope that one day your life path will correspond to number 5. But you should start working on it immediately – life is too short to postpone the need to adjust manifestations of your personality over and over again.

A similar method of calculation is applied for the name numbers – Expression Number, Soul Urge Number and Personality Number. If adding together the numerical values of the letters in your name gives you a Karmic Number, come to terms with it, and do your best to start changing as soon as possible.

Karmic Life Path Numbers

The Life Path Number is not only our global aim that cannot be changed, but also our opportunities. They can and must be adjusted.

  • 13 – short ways are not for you. You need to come to an understanding that any achievement is possible only through effort and full concentration on every task.
  • 14 – your lack of restraint and light-mindedness may cause serious problems. You need to find the keynote of your life, the occupation that will give you not only bread and butter, but also moral satisfaction.
  • 16 – unless you want to end up lonely and poor, be more attentive to other people's needs and learn to sacrifice at least something to maintain relationships.
  • 19 – it is quite probable that your opportunities will give you nothing but frustration. You will just have no one to offer yourself to. Ensure favor and support of others. It is your only chance to fulfill yourself.

Karmic Expression Numbers

The Expression Number determines our abilities. The influence of the Karmic Number is somewhat different here.

  • 13 – you lack the ability to bite the bullet. You need to learn it, otherwise bad luck will rain on you forever.
  • 14 – the ability that you need to cultivate is commitment to your life stance. Never betray your principles and never change beliefs under the influence of circumstances.
  • 16 – you have an ability that you should not use. It is an ability to find faults in anyone. Get rid of it, try to accept people as they were created by nature.
  • 19 – you are unable to consider others' opinions if they are different from yours. Keep in mind that your opinion is not the only one and not necessarily right. You need to respect the "dissidents" and give an ear to their views.

Karmic Soul Urge Numbers

A Karmic Soul Urge Number means that false motivation is rather probable in your case. You might be wasting your life to fulfill the desires which are not truly yours.

  • 13 – you should give up on the pursuit of getting rich fast. In an effort to quickly achieve financial prosperity and high status, you will suffer losses without getting anything in return.
  • 14 – curb your passion for pleasure. Otherwise, you risk developing one of those dangerous addictions that will age you long before your time.
  • 16 – your desire to look more important than others will result in a situation when no one takes notice of you. Drop the idea of permanent domination and learn to perceive yourself as an equal among equals.
  • 19 – your unwillingness to share the fruit of your success will most probably result in a complete lack of any success as such. If you did not learn to play in a team in your school years, it is high time to start now.

Karmic Personality Numbers and Birth Date Numbers

A Karmic Personality Number is a very specific and purely individual matter. It is hard to give advice here. The only thing to bear in mind when you are starting to change your outer personality is that flaws attributed to each of the Karmic Numbers have that very impact on the others' impression of us as they must: 13 – lack of self-confidence, 14 – unreliability and irresponsibility, 16 – disdain for others, 19 – self-assertiveness.

As for the Birth Date Number, the recommendations are the same as for the Life Path Number. But – in everyday life, in a certain combination of circumstances.


Calculate all of your Numerology Core numbers once again. If you have a Karmic Number, you should know: it is the answer to the question about the roots of your problems.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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