
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Life Path Number

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This Numerological indicator is, undoubtedly, the defining characteristic of any person. The Life Path Number is the role that everyone has to play to accomplish the God's Plan; the mission assigned to a person from conception.

The Life Path Number should be understood as a program underlying the person's activities for the entire earthly life. Other indicators – Expression Number, Soul Urge Number, etc. – are just utility programs designed to help the person fulfill their duty to the Universe.

"Guiding Star"

Being a direction sign, the Life Path Number prevents us from going astray from our path. Sometimes it happens that an opportunity to go off the path may look rather tempting. But it will always end up in a deadlock. In this situation, the Life Path Number becomes our guiding star that helps us find the way again.

If you happen to get lost in life, remember about this number and do what it tells you to do. You will get back to yourself, and all the problems will turn out to be easily solvable. And the main thing is that all of your actions will become meaningful, as you will see the ultimate goal.

A Little Practice

The Life Path Number has another feature: knowing one's birth date, you will know everything about him/her. It means that bits and pieces of facts from this person's life may form a comprehensive mosaic of causes and effects, but if you know his/her main Master Number, you will easily build a complete picture without any inconsistencies. Thus, you will be able not only to understand this person, but also to predict his/her behavior.

Would you like to see it for yourself? Start with yourself. For example, you were born on July 15, 1984. Let us calculate your Life Path Number – add together the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth date.

So: 1+5=6, you have obtained the month number, it is 7; then 1984=1+9+8+4=22. Add 6+7+22=35. Using Numerological reduction 3+5, we get 8.

If it was your birth date, you would now realize why you have such traits as pursuit of power, fundamental knowledge in your field, unshakable confidence in yourself and generosity that sometimes verges on extravagance.

It was a randomly chosen date. But what can this method tell about certain people?

Abraham Lincoln

The 16th President of the United States was born on February 12, 1809. Using the same simple calculation method, namely, 1+2=3, the month number is 2, 1809=1+8+9=18, 1+8=9, 3+2+9=14, 1+4=5 – we obtain Uncle Abe's Life Path Number. Everything is now in its place.

Yearning for a change? Absolutely! A path from a farmer's spade to the presidential office is a journey that very few people can make.

Flexibility and keen intuition. No one would argue. Lincoln could have given up many times, and yet he did not. For example, when he lost the Senate election of 1958.

Organizational abilities? Sure thing! Just think about how he once got his political opponents on his side by offering them positions in the government. Note that he was the first Republican president. It means that his opponents had to change their political creed.

And, finally, a violent death. The Fives are among the leaders in this respect.

Anyway, it was quite a simple, an easy-to-decode example. Now let us examine something more difficult.

"The Legend"

Do you know who was born on December 12, 1915? Frank Sinatra. If we apply the same calculation method, the final arithmetic operation will be 3+3+16=22. Stop! It is a Master Number, which is not further reduced. It means that for this person, pursuit of balance (2+2) and hard work (4) become an eternal burden they can never take off.

And now, if you analyze the biography of the legendary singer and actor, you will see that his whole life was an attempt to square the circle; that during his whole life he was "between": between career and love, between the sense of duty and soul's aspirations, between dignity and dictates of the need.

His long life and long-standing career indicate that his duties to the Universe were fully discharged, and in his next incarnation he will be free.

The Meanings of Life path Number

Life path 1 is a leadership position and a clearly defined direction. Being independent from the opinions of others will help to walk the chosen path.

Life path 2 Two's path is a path of a peacemaker. Excellent intuition, adherence to principles and attention to detail eliminate the chance of making a mistake in choosing the "right" side.

Life path 3 It's a path of a creator, often gifted in humanities. Yet a real talent can open any door. Three is curious and cheerful. People always feel at ease with them and enjoy their company.

Life path 4 is based on stamina, vitality and the ability to follow the chosen path to the end. Reputation of a responsible person will be a solid support.

Life path 5 is a simultaneous movement in all directions. A continuous search for something new, the ability to feel at home everywhere, based on liveliness and flexibility of character.

Life path 6 is a path of service. Six can tear down barriers that separate people, and unite them. Decency and honesty let them become the heart and soul of the company.

Life path 7 leads to your own self, to comprehension of your own hidden nature. Seven has an analytical mind. They can prove their worth brilliantly in any field.

Life path 8 It's a winner's path. It opens the widest opportunities in any aspect of life. Still, conflicts are unavoidable. The reason lies in zero tolerance for contradictions and resistance.

Life path 9 Nine's life path is seldom easy. Giving everything and asking for nothing needs stamina and devotion to the idea. A bit of luck will come at hand.


Calculate the Life Path Number of a person, who is especially interesting for you. Try to identify the connection between the features of this number and the real traits of its owner. You will see the person as the God created them.

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Birth date

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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