
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Numerology Core

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Many Sides of Personality

So, the first stage of studying the concepts and principles of Numerology is completed. You have learned about the laws of a person's identification based on five main positions – Life Path Number, Expression Number, Soul Urge Number, Personality Number and Birthday Number.

In other words, a huge mass of diverse and, perhaps, even conflicting information has poured on you, and now you have to structure it in your mind. It seems difficult at first sight, considering that five indicators each having nine possible meanings are a great many combinations. But when we take a certain case, i.e. only five numbers, personality analysis of one particular individual no longer seems impossible.

Numbers of the Numerology Core are the best illustration of the many-sidedness of the human nature. For example, if we take two people born on the same day, their Life Path Numbers are sure to coincide. Does it mean that in pursuit of their main goal they will take the same path? No way! At least because they cannot have the same name and surname - it is too unlikely. Almost for certain, they will have different Expression Numbers.

Meaning of Expression Number

Say, these two people have Life Path Number 8. That is, the global aim for both of them is money, power, and systematic existence based on strict rules. But one of them has Expression Number 3, while the other, let us say, – 4. Abilities of the first one include creativity and visual thinking, while the other is hard working, diligent and methodical.

It is not hard to imagine what different paths they will take to achieve the goal. The first person will value immediate triumphs, will have his/her highs and lows and, apparently, owe his/her success to a lucky chance given by Destiny.

The second person, vice versa, will be approaching the goal slowly, step by step, relying only on his/her ability to work hard. Although his/her life will be plain and monotonous, the ultimate result will definitely be more substantial than that of the first one.

Meaning of Soul Urge Number

Twists and turns of the life path for people who have one different Numerology Core indicator can be predicted just in the same way. Let us say, the Soul Urge Number. If, all else being equal, one person's Soul Urge Number is 5 and the other's is 7, it is quite clear that they will be quite different to each other.

The first one's main aspiration will be for freedom of expression, while the other’s desires will be focused on the opportunities for self-improvement and peace of mind. The first one will live with a permanent sense of dissatisfaction and a wish for more; the other will be happy with what he/she has at any stage of his/her life path. Ultimately, the first will conclude that he/she was deprived of Destiny's mercy, while the second will live his/her life in confidence that he/she has had everything from the start.

Meaning of Birth Day Number

This number, as you already know, is responsible for a person's reaction to a particular situation. It is quite easy to model it. Imagine that there is a new vacancy for which two candidates apply. They have equal opportunities: both have abilities to effectively carry out professional duties, both are eager to take the position and even have similar pleasing appearance.

But the first one's Birth Date Number is 1, while for the second it is 2. In this situation, the One will do his/her best to use all leverages available and, without a second thought, will engage in an open confrontation – even with a risk of making an enemy for life. The Two will concede – for this person, under the same circumstances, the most important thing will be to save face, not to stoop so low as to be drawn in squabbles and petty quarrels, not to offend anyone. And it remains to be seen who will look more decent.

Meaning of Personality Number

To avoid overloading your mind with a variety of examples, I will use the situation we have already described: a vacancy and two candidates with equivalent abilities. But the first one has Personality Number 6, while the other has 9. The first candidate's look at the interview will leave no room for doubt that this person will do his/her utmost to fulfill the assigned task and can be relied on in any circumstances.

As for the Nine, this candidate strikes as a Baron Munchausen arguing that today's date is July 32. The employers will clearly see that if they hire him/her, they will have regular conflicts at the slightest pretext and endless arguments about how and what must be done.

Meaning of Life Path Number

Still, it is the date of birth that determines one's ultimate aim in life and opportunities to attain it. Abilities, desires, reactions and even the way others see this person depend on this aim. You are already familiar with interpretations of Life Path Numbers, so I only need to emphasize that almost identical traits are of secondary importance if two people have different Life Path Numbers.

Equally talented, having similar desires, reactions and outer personality, the One and the Nine are two poles that have nothing in common. The One represents a proactive approach to life; it is a person who uses everything given him/her by nature to live through life at a fast pace.

The Nine represents impatient waiting of a capricious person, who is proud of his/her traits but does not want to use them without a higher purpose. Needless to say that the outcomes of these two lives will be incomparable.


Calculate the Numerology Core numbers of any person and try to predict his/her future based on the analysis of these numbers. It is an absolutely fascinating thing to do!

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Manuel Cooper
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