
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Expression Number

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The Expression Number, which reflects a person’s abilities, should be considered the second most important indicator after the Life Path Number. Considering that in this case the calculation is based on letters of one's full name, I believe it is necessary to give you a detailed explanation of the reason why one's full name is not less important for Numerology than their birth date.

I have already said that the Universe is an integral system of interrelated elements where nothing is accidental. According to most numerologists, the critical difference between the name and the birth date is that the birth date is given by God, while the name – by parents. But parents are also a part of the system, so there must be a reason why they choose this or that name for their child.

What was the baby named?

If, let us say, a son was named after his father or grandfather, it is most likely to be the family tradition. That is, a cyclic action repeated generation after generation. Any cyclicality can be expressed mathematically.

At the same time, if a daughter was named after a TV series character, conclusions can be drawn about the mindset of the parent, who had insisted on this choice. It is most likely a person of immediate impressions, unable to give serious thought to their child's future. As for the second parent, they must be a weak-willed person, indifferent to everything around. Is it accidental? No, everything is logical.

Phonetic Aspect

There is a type of parents who choose the name for their child to suit the surname – based on the principle of euphony. These are people whose souls are tuned in unison with the vibrations of the Universe; they are sensitive and perceive everything from the perspective of the world harmony requirements. Hence their sense of responsibility and wisdom, expressed in their endeavor to protect their child from possible troubles arising from a cacophonous name.

So, we have ascertained that one's own name is, actually, a reflection of this person's parents' personality type. Parents are the people who, as a rule, are responsible for a person's development from birth to the moment when his/her personality is fully formed. Is it accidental? Everything is logical. Calculation of the Name Number helps to interpret and find meaning in this logic.


To make it crystal clear what we are going to talk about, I will start with a very simple example. Let us imagine two girls born on the same day – April 21, 1926. Moreover, they were given the same name, Elizabeth. The question is, does it mean that they will share the same destiny if the first girl's surname is Smith and the second one's surname is Windsor?

To my mind, comments are needless, but I still must say a few words – at least to make you treat your surname with more respect. Even if it is anything but aristocratic.

Family Name Features

One's surname is their family name. Family is a set of unique features determined by genetic memory, passed from one generation to another. Think, for example, about ancient Scottish clans, each of which had a certain specific feature that made it stand out among others.

The same is true with respect to almost any family name. If the Life Path Number is our mission on the Earth, then our surname is the heritage that we have to fulfill this mission.

Our remote ancestor's blood leaves a trace of their personality on us. What kind of trace is it? Numerological analysis is the only way to find it out. Calculation of the Surname Number gives answers to all questions.

Calculation of Expression Number

We examined the general principles of the Expression Number calculation during one of the previous lessons. Now, it is high time to focus on specific examples.

Numerical expressions of the English alphabet letters are presented in the chart. Save it. You will use it all the time that you devote to Numerology.




































The Meanings of the Expression Number

Expression Number 1 gives you path-breaking abilities, rationality and independence of thoughts. You're a born explorer, a brave pioneer.

Expression Number 2 indicates discernment, excellent intuition, sensitivity, sympathy, and tactfulness. This set of personal qualities is ideal for diplomatic career.

Expression Number 3 indicates inexhaustible optimism, creative potential, liveliness, sociability. The ability to distinguish the essential from the accidental will open your way to success.

Expression Number 4 characterizes an excellent worker – methodical, goal-oriented, solid. Commitment to strict rules is the cornerstone of stability.

Expression Number 5 reveals exceptional talent for communication, the ability to adapt to any situation. Yet sometimes you lack "anchors" to stop at the right moment.

Expression Number 6 indicates love for people and ability to feel others' pain like your own. Your well-developed sense of responsibility will guarantee you people’s gratitude and love.

Expression Number 7 reveals natural intelligence, ability to understand the basic philosophy of existence, self-reliance, integrity. The ability to interact with people as equals is your guarantee of peace.

Expression Number 8 indicates the presence of a complete set of personal qualities needed to achieve success: persistence, stamina, clear vision of the goal and the ways to achieve it. Constant development is your strength.

Expression Number 9 characterizes a fighter for justice, an honest, pure and open person who never fears possible troubles. In this case, naïvety is a merit.

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Let use try to find out what natural abilities the author of The Jungle Book had.


JOSEPH=1+6+1+5+7+8=28, 2+8=10, 1+0=1. It is the first name number.

RUDYARD=9+3+4+7+1+9+4=37, 3+7=10, 1+0=1. The middle name number.

KIPLING=2+9+7+3+9+5+7=42, 4+2=6. It is the writer's surname number.

Having added the final results of the calculations together 1+1+6=8, we obtain 8. It is Rudyard Kipling's Expression Number.

Now let us see if he has the qualities of the Eight.

Competence – no doubt. Kipling was a professional journalist.

Mastery – those who have read at least one of Kipling's poems will never argue.

Interest in metaphysics – Kipling was a mason.

And, finally, overscrupulousness and propensity for self-justification. In fact, it was as a result of these qualities that Kipling's son went to war and perished there.

Now let us turn to a more modern personality.

Donald John Trump

Using the same chart, we obtain the following results:

DONALD=4+6+5+1+3+4=23, 2+3=5. The first name number.

JOHN=1+6+8+5=20, 2+0=2. The middle name number.

TRUMP=2+9+3+4+7=25, 2+5=7. The surname number.

Add the results together: 5+2+7=14, 1+4=5. This Karmic Number will be the current US President's Expression Number.

What does it mean? It is an evidence of hotheadedness, propensity for extremes, lack of any system of values, faith, ideals. Donald Trump can handle this situation only if he does not change his decisions and learns to exercise restraint in all situations of life.

Doesn't it ring a bell?


Choose an acquaintance whose abilities you know, and calculate their Expression Number. Then answer two questions:

  1. Are the results of your Numerological analysis consistent with your opinion?
  2. Does your acquaintance use their natural abilities for the purpose intended?
Numerological Calculator

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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