
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Heart's Desire Number

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Heart's Desire Number

The Heart's Desire Number(in some sources referred to as the Soul Urge Number) represents the basis of one's motivation throughout the earthly life. Considering that any desire should ultimately be aimed at fulfillment of one's main mission on the Earth, the Heart's Desire Number is nothing but the spiritual and emotional component of their Life Path.

The Heart's Desire Number is calculated as the sum of numerical values corresponding to the vowels in the person's full name. Having studied the material of this lesson, you will be able to ascertain the validity of this method. But first, let's make it clear what our desires basically are.

What do Desires Come from?

Since birth, we all consciously or subconsciously follow a predetermined course that allows us to fulfill our calling, arrive at a certain end. But humans are not robots. It is our strength. Otherwise, the first obstacle would end in deadlock. The program would qualify the mission as impossible, and then the robot would simply stop functioning.

What makes a human different from a machine? Of course emotions, which are alien to any machine. We do this or that not because we must obtain a certain result (quite often we do not know it), but because we want to obtain it.

How to Turn "No" into "Yes".

For example, a man falls in love with a woman. The expected positive outcome of the situation is to be with her. But she said no. A robot would go off. But a human is led by his/her soul urge that rules out the possibility to accept this answer. The man will search for other ways to achieve his goal: do his best to catch her fancy, sideline her other admirers, resolve her immediate problems. In a word, he will do everything to make her "no" turn into "yes".

How does it correlate with his main mission? It might be that the Universe needs this couple to give birth to a baby who will take mankind to the next stage of spiritual development. The man does not and cannot know it. He thinks that he obeys the demands of physiology. But in fact his motivation is based on the soul urge. That is, the Divine Providence.

Why Vowels?

Now, as we have established the connection between desires and the ultimate goal, it is high time to find out why the Heart's Desire Number is calculated on the basis of vowels in one's full name.

It is an axiom that consonants symbolize the matter, while vowels, accordingly, represent the spirit. Why is it so? Because a vowel is an open sound. When we are surprised or feel spontaneous joy, we say "Oh!", and it is a pure emotion. No need to explain what this sound means – everyone does the same.

You are Called!

When we hear sounds of our own names, we subconsciously experience positive emotions: if we are called, someone needs us. Therefore, things that we do matter for someone. But vowels are a special case. They can help to communicate any emotion. It is enough to pronounce vowels with a bit of coolness to make a normal address sound as a threat.

In contrast, pronunciation of emotionally colored vowels helps our soul to open up. Figuratively speaking, we remove filters of restraint and express our feelings openly without being shy. The person's feelings are another hypostasis of their desires, whether fulfilled or not-yet-fulfilled. They are hidden in our names' vowels. We only need to add their numerical equivalents together to understand the soul urges.

The chart is the same:




































The Meanings of the Heart's Desire Number

Heart's Desire Number 1 Striving for independence is the most dominant desire and the basis of your motivation. However, meeting a person with similar views can result in a life-long conflict.

Heart's Desire Number 2 The motivation is based on the pursuit of balance. Life is a series of compromises for the sake of maintaining peace. Still, sometimes having an implacable enemy is the best way to avoid opportunism.

Heart's Desire Number 3 The motivation is based on fulfilling desires that are in line with your natural abilities. The outcome depends on how objective your self-esteem is and whether you’ve made the right choice about your goal.

Heart's Desire Number 4 The motivation is based on the pursuit of stability and orderliness of life through permanent, dedicated and clear activity. Surprises are unwelcome.

Heart's Desire Number 5 The dominant aspiration is freedom of action, the opportunity to change your life any time. That results in a lack of obligations that tie you to a place or people.

Heart's Desire Number 6 The motivation is based on the sense of own usefulness. Your desire to help and support can result in enslavement in case your partner turns out to have no scruples.

Heart's Desire Number 7 The dominant aspiration is absolute invulnerability. At all levels, including the level of emotions. It's not easy, but if you manage it, the quality of life will change dramatically.

Heart's Desire Number 8 Desires are all-embracing. Any opportunity is seen as a call for immediate action. With enough strength you can conquer the world. Otherwise, you'll need help.

Heart's Desire Number 9 The motivation is based on the desire to bring the world to perfection. At least, do as much as you can. Because you are very unlikely to find any supporters.

The history knows a person who could definitely determine precisely the nature of anyone's motivation. Let's see what he wanted.

Sigismund Schlomo Freud

SIGISMUND= (гласные: I,I,U) 9+9+3=21, 2+1=3– vowels: i,i, u. 9+9+3=21, 2+1=3.

SCHLOMO= (гласные: O,O) 6+6=12, 1+2=3 – vowels: o, o. 6+6=12, 1+2=3.

FREUD= (гласные: E,U) 5+3=8 – vowels: e, u. 5+3=8.

3+3+8=14, 1+4=5. It is Sigmund Freud's Soul Urge Number.

It means that the famous healer of people's souls

  • was an enthusiast of his work;
  • was capable of exploring new opportunities;
  • preferred the most progressive approach to the subject of interest;
  • had a versatile mind and good imagination.

From his biography, we know that Freud initially had a very limited choice of career paths. But medicine became his passion – that is why he made such a great contribution into this field.

In fact, contemporary psychoanalysis owes its existence to the above-mentioned traits.

It usually indicates a hunger for glory and acknowledgement, as well as pursuance of an absolutely exceptional status in the profession. Freud's biography proves that the results of the Numerological analysis correspond to the facts.

Steven Paul Jobs

A man who achieved everything that one may dream of. Let us check if his desires were fulfilled.

STEVEN= (гласные: E,E) 5+5=10, 1+0=1 – vowels: e, e. 5+5=10, 1+0=1.

PAUL= (гласные: A,U) 1+3=4 – vowels: a, u. 1+3=4.

JOBS= (гласные: O) 6 – vowels: o. 6.

1+4+6=11, 1+1=2.

Number Two in Steve Jobs's Heart's Desire Number means that everything he did in life was aimed at fulfillment of the wish to achieve balance and bring harmony in this world. All his outstanding abilities served this purpose. His family was the solution and helped him become a happy man.


Calculate your Heart's Desire Number and compare the results of the Numerological analysis with your current desires. Perhaps, you should reconsider your priorities.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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