
Part 1 - Numerology Core
Master Numbers

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In this world there are people who have specific personal traits that enable them to lead the entire humanity along the way of spiritual growth – all without any coercion. You simply meet such a person, watch the way they live, form your opinion of them, and then begin to instinctively strive to be like them.

Unfortunately, not all people are like that. Such people's special mission is determined by one or more paired numbers present in the Numerology Core – 11, 22, 33, which are called Master Numbers in Numerology

How to Identify a Master Number

The principle enabling us to find a Master Number in the Numerology Core is the same as the one we apply to Karmic Numbers. That is, if you get 11, 22 or 33 at the second last stage of the calculation, it is the final result, and Numerological reduction should be stopped.

Let us assume that you were born on August 16, 198916+8+9=33. That's it. Number 33 is a Master Life Path Number, and further addition is not permitted. But, unlike Karmic Numbers, where you just have to accept that you have it in your Numerology Core, a Master Number is something to be proud of.

For other Numerology Core indicators – Expression Number, Soul Urge Number and Personality Number – the principle is the same. As for Birthday Numbers, numbers 11 and 22 may be present in the date itself, so there is no need for any calculations to identify them – they are seen at first sight.

Qualities of Master Numbers

Although a Karmic Number is a demand that you need to fulfill in order to improve the quality of your life, it is initially charged with negative energies.

Master Numbers are also a contract with the Universe that imposes certain obligations on you. And it is 100% positive, having in mind that to fulfill these obligations, you are given unique personal traits that constitute a guide to action as such.

Master Numbers have another peculiarity that should be mentioned: whatever Numerology Core indicator contains a Master Number, its influence will sooner or later dominate and define the entire way of life. Even if a Master Number is your Birthday Number, your reactions to every specific situation will make people believe in you and follow you.

Master Life Path Numbers. Mission

  • 11 – an architect of moral values with strong sense of justice and highly developed intuition that help them unfailingly make right decisions. Such people preserve their exceptionally humanistic attitude to everyone, regardless of people's walk of life. The mission assigned by the Universe to the owner of Master Number 11 is to bring the light of truth into the souls of those who need it. The 11 does not have to be a teacher or a priest. Neither sphere can impede the accomplishment of their commitments. On the other hand, abandoning these commitments is fraught with degradation and regression of their own personality.
  • 22 – a born organizer having a unique ability to see the ultimate result of even the most insignificant undertakings. The mission of the owner of Master Number 22 is to use this ability to implement global projects. Social sphere is the preferable option, but residential construction is also a good thing. The main prriority is doing good to people.
  • 33 – a healer of human souls, a supporter and guardian for all the fallen and lost within this person's reach. The mission of the owner of Master Number 33 is to relieve people from all the burdens on their souls, everything that weighs on their conscience and keeps them from living a full life. For this purpose, this person is given a capacity for unfailing love and compassion.

Master Expression Numbers

Expression Numbers determine our inborn talents. But in this case any talent leaves "normal" abilities far behind.

  • 11 – the ability to see the light even in the darkest soul. There is no black and white, no bad and good for the owner of Master Expression Number 11. Exceptional intuition helps them understand everyone, embrace everyone's pain. And creative abilities enable the 11 to find the means helping to achieve positive changes in every situation.
  • 22 – inborn leadership and organizing skills. However, the 22 is able not only to lead. They eliminate uncertainty, fear of far-reaching plans. The ability to see the whole through all its particulars infuses the 22 with unshakable confidence in themselves that they communicate to others. So they gain courage and determination in turn.
  • 33 – the gift of inner vision. It takes the owner of Master Expression Number 33 just one glance to see the problems that make a person unable to live a happy life. But the main thing is that the 33 can eliminate them.

Master Soul Urge Numbers

Desires of those having a Master Soul Urge Number generally accord with the demands of one key mission. Still, it is not without nuances.

  • 11 – the main strive is to help everyone see the meaning and aim in their life. However, the desire to put everyone on the right track sometimes turns into pressure and the 11 gets too enthusiastic to fulfill their calling. Still, it is excusable – all this is for the best of reasons.
  • 22 – the dominating desire is implementation of grand-scale projects. In fact, the 22 aims to find an occupation for everyone that will give them moral satisfaction. Sometimes it looks like pursuit of power. But once you take a closer look, it becomes clear that the 22's motivation is absolutely unselfish.
  • 33 – the foremost desire of the owner of Master Soul Urge Number 33 is to be understood. The desire to support, to guide and to care without asking anything in return seems absolutely impractical, if not to say foolish. Yes, the 33 draws life energy from the results of their activities. Still, sometimes they need appreciation and approval of their actions.

Master Personality Numbers

In this aspect, the difference between owners of Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 is the most substantial.

  • 11 – perceived by the others as a typical creator, who bursts with original ideas and enthusiastically undertakes any task that may benefit the society.
  • 22 – gives the impression of solidity and significance in any circumstances. Such people think and act big and unwillingly make people regard them with reverence.
  • 33 – often considered freaks. This impression is strengthened by their way of life – entirely devoted to others. You need to get closer with this person to feel admiration that they definitely deserve.

As for the Birthday Number, the owner of a Master Number in this Numerology Core indicator will act exactly the way it would be governed by the equivalent Master Life Path Number in every particular situation. Well, I said for a reason that the influence of Master Numbers is dominating in any position. That is why they are called Master.


Recalculate all your Numerology Core indicators to identify Master Numbers, if any. Once you see a Master Number, you will eventually do away with doubts regarding your destination in life.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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