
Part 1 - Core Numbers
Birth Day Number

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Seeming Simplicity

Among the "great five" numbers there is no indicator that would be easier to calculate but more complicated to interpret than the Birth Day Number. Basically, there are no calculations – the most you will have to do is to reduce the number twice to obtain the final result.

Therefore, I offer you a complete and absolutely clear chart of Birth Day Numbers.

So, Birth Day Number...

Birth Day Number

The Day You Were Born




















































Interpretation of the first ten numbers involves no difficulties, especially if you have a clear understanding of what exactly the Birth Day Number is for its owner. But then miracles begin.

However, miracles can wait. First, you need to understand what information load the Birth Day Number carries, and how this information should be perceived.

Meaning of Birth Day Number

According to the canonical Numerology, the Birth Day Number determines one's type of reactions, criteria of choice and, consequently, their line of conduct in a certain situation.

Putting it plainly, the Birth Day Number is the Life Path Number for one day or even for several minutes. That is, each of us has a global goal in life that dominates over all our actions from birth to death. But even the longest path consists of separate steps.

Therefore, every day of our life requires making a choice, making one or several decisions that are ultimately aimed at reaching the same goal. Every day we have to evaluate the situation in a new light taking into account newly emerging circumstances. But evaluation criteria never change. They are inherent in our "program."

Birthday Number 1 – fast reaction, resoluteness, ability to turn any situation to your advantage. In the end you'll take the lead.

Birthday Number 2 – composure, ability to understand the motivation of other people's deeds. Thus, you can influence people and related events.

Birthday Number 3 – rich imagination and natural artistic talent, indispensable in situations when the solution requires an unconventional, creative approach.

Birthday Number 4 – reliability, ability to understand if the abilities you have suit the requirements of the situation. You're a practical person who can easily adapt to any team.

Birthday Number 5 –ability to use life experience to solve any problem, be it a general or a specific one. It's your "payment" to the universe for maintaining your personal freedom.

Birthday Number 6 – ability to guard and protect, readiness to use all resources you have. Even your own reputation.

Birthday Number 7 – ability to reason calmly and take well-considered decisions in a crisis situation. You're a competent consultant in a huge variety of issues.

Birthday Number 8 – readiness to sort out any problem makes you an "engine" of any process you take part in. A typical "beloved boss".

Birthday Number 9 – the approach to any situation is based on your undying belief in higher justice. That's why even pure luck is taken for granted.

From Point A to Point B

If we view the ultimate goal in life as a certain point, let us say, on a city map, we will see that we can take different routes to come there.

For example, you need to get home from a nearby district. You perfectly know the place and know all ways that can lead you home. Indeed, there are streets that you like walking along, and, respectively, the ones that you do not like; there the pavement was dismounted yesterday so one cannot pass; on that corner, there is your favorite cafe where you would not mind stopping for five minutes to drink a cup of coffee and eat a donut.

However, when you have planned out your route, you get a phone call from home with a demand to come immediately. You rush to take a taxi and go. The streets no longer matter. The circumstances have changed, and you reacted accordingly.

In life, everything happens almost in the same way. In certain circumstances, the situation may change every minute. Information as to how we are going to react to these changes is encoded in our Birth Date Number.

What are the Difficulties?

Now let us return to "miracles" – interpretations of different values. To avoid getting into detail, I will give a simple example: let us suppose that your Birth Date Number is 5. If you were born on the 5th day, it is one type of reactions, if on the 14th or on the 23rd, it is another one. These five numbers, i.e. 5, 1, 4, 2 and 3, represent absolutely different approaches to life and, accordingly, absolutely different evaluation criteria for everyday decision-making. You can get a ready-made interpretation of the meaning of the Five in the Birth Date Number. But you will have to puzzle out the nuances on your own. This is why you are studying Numerology.

Martin Scorsese, November 17, 1942

We see that Martin Scorsese's Birth Date Number is 1+7=8. It means that reactions underlying his everyday decisions are based on excellent intuition, business mentality, impartiality and competence.

But it would be wrong to disregard the influence of numbers 1 and 7. That is, independence of judgments, self-confidence (1), sober mind, wisdom and sophistication (7).

Ernest Hemingway, July 21, 1899

The Three is the great writer's Birth Date Number means that his reactions were due to his talent, artistic nature, ability of visual thinking and a somewhat careless attitude.

At the same time, the numbers 2 and 1, which are the constituent elements of the Three, unmistakably indicate that Hemingway's main driving idea was aiming at balance and harmony in the world – this can be seen from the plots of his works. Respectively, his principles in life underlying every decision were independence, initiative and the ability of deep feeling.


Find a person among your acquaintances whose date of birth consists of two different feelings (except from zero). Familiarize with interpretations of the major Birth Date Number and two of its components, and then try to determine which of them has a more clear influence on the person's reactions and everyday choice criteria.

Numerological Calculator

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Birth date

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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