Minor Expression Number
Your first name contains information about features of your personality: character traits, natural abilities, energies, temperament. Knowing the numerical value of someone's first name helps us say with a high degree of confidence what kind of desires move them ahead, what they are capable of and what they are not; what manifestations of their nature you should encourage, and what you should beware of. This provides the first impression – not intuitive, but rather well grounded.
Hereditary Number
Hereditary Number is what make us who we are. Quite literally. This number contains loads of information about almost any character trait, in the first place – one's family traits, inherited abilities, and opportunities arising directly from what their family is like. Mind that financial priority is not the key factor here.
Middle Name Number
Middle Name Number represents your baseline potential. This should be viewed as the result of transformation of qualities acquired during the process of upbringing, and influenced by personality traits. So, in the same way as one's Patronymic Number doesn't have to coincide with their father's Minor Expression Number, it also doesn't mean that inherited character traits must be the exact copy of those of their father.
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