

Name popularity rank: 🏆 4096
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Name Summary

Origin: Greece
Meaning: derived from sophia, wisd ...
Gender: Female
Lucky numbers: 11, 6, 5, 2
Planets: ☾ Moon
Metal: Silver
Zodiac sign: ♎ Libra
Day of the week: Monday
Gems: Garnet Gold Meteorite Moldavit Rakushnyak Smoky Quartz Spinel Sugilite Tanzanite Tavorit Tourmaline Brown Tourmaline

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Sophy

Sophy Name Meaning

However, any excessive pressure will annoy you. Criticism can provoke your harsh, rude reaction, which will surprise even those who consider you a weak-willed and indecisive person.

You are very demanding in terms of cleanliness, order, quality of food and clothing. If you are too strict with yourself, you may have a complex due to some kind of defect in appearance (real or imaginary). It can cause a discord in love and married life.

If you got an upbringing that corresponds to your spiritual character, then you will succeed both in work and in love. Loneliness and the absence of a loved one make you unhappy, whereas a successful marriage brings harmony not only in personal but also in business life.

Sometimes, you go into extremes: some idea or business can carry you away so much that you will not hear reasonable arguments “against”. Moreover, you may have such strong likes and dislikes that they will lead to conflicts with people around you. Without help from outside, it will not be easy for you to get back to more useful issues.


Personality number Five. Desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your outfits are always original and in line with the latest trends. You shouldn’t, however, ignore a well-known truth that it’s better to be a half-step behind fashion than one step ahead. Clothing should, first of all, suit the occasion and highlight your beauty, not create it. Again, a good mind is a better recommendation, and flashy appearance is in no way indicative of this.


Your heart is full of love and compassion for others. The core of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to protect everyone you can from troubles – even to the detriment of your own interests. Whatever the situation, you choose to do others a favor and not to ask for any reward. At first sight, you seem to be living life of a saint. However, not everybody likes excessive attention and intrusive signs of concern. Even the closest people can get tired from everyday care. Moreover, you may do them harm: removing the necessity to do at least something themselves, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop and gradually turn them into plankton, so to say. Thus, sooner or later you’ll probably get a reproach. This will come as a violent blow onto your confidence that self-sacrifice can deliver benefits you expected. Then, instead of satisfaction, you’ll fade into disillusion. That’s why the desire to nurture and protect should be kept within reasonable limits. Remember it, and your peace of mind will hardly be disturbed.

Name Sophy Love & Compatibility

Sophy, marriage for you symbolizes the beginning of the selfless devotion, and your partner must be ready for the fact that you are going to set the world on fire for them every day. At first glance, this is wonderful, but there is a small problem: you will certainly demand the same in response, since comparable reaction, gratitude and admiration are necessary for your mental balance. The slightest doubt in the fact that you are being selflessly loved and highly valued demoralizes you, and then a carefully built prosperity can collapse overnight.

Sophy - Love compatibility

Sophy - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Sophy

1 22 -
- - 6
77 8 9


One figure implies weak character with stubbornness taking its place. Instead of personal opinion you get objections to what’s been said. No solutions, no real plans.


Two figures imply average energy level. The amount of energy is enough to be active in any sphere of life. Initiative and communication ability is average.


No figures implies purely humanitarian nature. Choosing technical disciplines as the subject of study would be a mistake. Putting such knowledge to use is impossible.


No figures value signals of weak physical condition. The state of health should be constantly monitored to avoid harmful situations.


No figures value implies complete isolation from the real world, inability to logically understand causes and effects. Productivity is generally low.


One figure signals of weak predisposition to manual labor which may be possible as a hobby for fun, but not as a main job for the sake of profit.

LUCK (77)

Two figures imply high level of luck. If there are at least some minimal prerequisites for a positive outcome, there should be no doubt about it.


One figure implies understanding one’s duties, but no desire to fulfill them. So there is no right to demand anything.


One figure signals of weakened ability to hold information in mind. Poor memory, if not trained, can be a hindrance in all spheres of life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Sophy

See also

Names By Origin