
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Numerological Map of the Future

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If you have carefully studied the materials of all previous lessons, you must have already got at least a general understanding of the features attributable to Numerology Core Numbers and methods enabling you to identify your primary abilities.

You might even have admitted some of your flaws to yourself and tried to change you vision of life and your manner of interacting with people.

However, you are unlikely to have had much success – you still lack motivation. For example, you have identified your Life Path Number and found out what goal corresponds to it. But this goal is somewhere far away, beyond the horizon, an inconceivably long path lies ahead to reach it, and who knows where and when it ends. One way or another, you are to reach the global goal of your life. Does it mean that decisive actions can wait?

Or, perhaps, you have found out that your dominating abilities do not in the least correspond to the profession you chose, and during your six- or eight-hour workday you really feel strongest mental discomfort.

But changing a job is a daunting decision that should not be made overnight. You need skills, experience and, the main thing, a suitable moment when you can minimize inevitable material losses. But how can you choose this moment?

Numerological Forecasting

I am ready to believe that you have carefully studied the materials we offered to you and have accurately done all home assignments. At the same time, I have no doubt that from time to time you asked yourself a question: what do I need it for, how can I use this knowledge?

I am so sure of that because all the knowledge you have received up to this day was primarily only a theory of Numerology. However, Numerology is a purely practical science. 80% of Numerology practices is forecasting.

Once you master it, Numerology will cease to be a code of speculative assumptions not related to real life. Provisions of Numerological Forecasting will form the basis of a clear plan of actions for any period: from a 9-year period to each year, month and even day of your life.

Is it impossible? Not at all. If you know what and why happened to you in the past, you can easily understand what consequences each of your actions can bring about.

As for incoming circumstances, they will not change anything as each of them, one way or other, is a result of manifestations of your personality. If you have not realized it yet, you simply have to believe the axiom once formulated by a famous Russian writer: "The brick is neither here nor there; it never merely falls on someone's head from out of nowhere."

Hierarchy of Time Period Numbers

Like everything in Numerology, periods of time comprising a person's life have their numerical expressions. These numbers are organized in a strict hierarchy – by extent of their impact on a person's destiny.

Life Path Number ranks first – it influences the entire period of one's Earthly life defining the course of actions that should result in fulfilling the mission assigned to each of us.

The second place in terms of importance is taken by the Numbers of Life Path Periods that set interim goals and enable us to control our achievements at a certain stage of our personal growth. Each Number of Period corresponds to a certain Challenge Number indicating the problems that you will have to face in this period of your life.

Personal Year Number ranks next. I need to say that forecasting for the year ahead has always been the most popular. Perhaps, this is because everyone has a more or less precise understanding of their abilities for the next 365 days and can take them into account when planning the actions to accomplish the tasks set by Personal Year Number. Moreover, it is a tradition: all New Year resolutions refer to the next year. We avoid trying to see beyond.

Month Number and Day Number come last. They rank last because forecasts for these numbers are not detailed enough, that is, not really correct. Well, Month Number still does set the most probable sequence of events, while Day Number can only consider general prerequisites of possible sets of circumstances.

The reason is that we may react differently to one and the same situation on different days. And 24 hours is not enough for us to adequately evaluate recent events and to somehow influence the resulting situation.

Life Path Periods

They are commonly known as youth, prime and maturity. Numerology operates with more informative terms and definitions: the first period is referred to as the Period of Life Path Development, the second – the Period of Life Path Creation, and the third – the Period of Life Path Integration.

The Period of Life Path Development covers the entire period of life since birth to the moment when each of us becomes a full-fledged person, that is, childhood, adolescence, youth and first years of maturity. The shaping factors in this period include upbringing, education and environment.

The Period of Life Path Creation is the beginning of adulthood, the best time to fulfill our opportunities and abilities. The first stage of personality formation is more or less the same in everyone's life, but here, at the second stage, Life Path is absolutely individual: choice of profession, choice of close and far circles, starting a family as well as developing the attitude to the profession as a vital necessity.

The Period of Life Path Integration is the final straight. A person completes their path in the capacity as determined by the first two periods of their life. Here, the influence of the Period Number can help to make up for lost time. If it indicates activation of mental abilities or shows an ideal situation to fulfill creative potential, it is never too late to go back to square one.

Challenge Number

As I have already said, Challenge Number reflects the type of troubles and obstacles that cause problems for you at a certain period of life. However, you should not view them in a negative light, or even try to avoid them. The thing is, every problem you have solved guarantees that you will never surrender in a similar situation.

Therefore, each Challenge is a kind of a lesson of survival. But if you fail to learn it, the Challenge Number will remain unchanged in all of your life periods. This will make your existence too monotonous.

Personal Year Number

It is a cyclic Numerological indicator, and the cycle lasts 9 years. That is, if your birth year fell on Personal Year 3, the next is Personal Year 4, and then – 5, 6, and so on. Every year will require the same actions from you that you had to perform 9 years ago.

That is why Personal Year Number ranks the lowest as compared with Period and Challenge Numbers. It will seem to you that you are walking in a closed circle, while in fact, you are going up the spiral, and each new cycle raises you to a new level.

Month and Day Number

I have already told you a bit about these numbers. In particular, I said that forecasts for such short periods of time cannot be very detailed. However, the complexity of forecasting is more than compensated for by the ease of planning. Perhaps, if you know that it is the fourth day of your second Personal Month today, you can dedicate this day to professional issues without fear of a conflict.

Anyway, the system of calculations enabling you to define the meaning of each of the aforementioned numbers will be analyzed in detail in our next lessons, as well as interpretations of all indicators. That is why I will not give you homework today.

Use the numerological map to look into the future.

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Manuel Cooper
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