
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Personal month and day numbers

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Determining Personal Month and Personal Day Numbers is a short-term forecasting method, which is less popular than forecasting for a year or a nine-year cycle. It is quite reasonable since the majority of people prefer cherishing a hope for as long as possible instead of taking steps necessary to fulfill their wishes. In case of forecasting for a year, it is possible to postpone taking actions for the future, while 30 days or 24 hours are too short periods to procrastinate.

Moreover, the popularity of short-term forecasting methods directly depends on one's ability to use them. And “use”, in this case, involves not only error-free calculation and reduction of numbers, but also the right understanding of information contained in the interpretations offered.

Peculiarities of Short-Term Forecasts

First and foremost, it should be noted that a short-term forecast identifies the degree of your inclination, your inner readiness to solve certain tasks, rather than the nature of such tasks. Specific actions mentioned in interpretations constitute merely illustrative examples enabling you to identify the dominating influence of this period of time.

Let us assume that according to the interpretation, a Personal Day is ideal for doing sport. But you have recently twisted an ankle. Thus, you should not take these recommendations literally, i.e. put on your trainers and go jogging despite the pain. In this case, the interpretation merely states the fact that your physical conditions comply with the norm and you will easily undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The same adjustments should be borne in mind when making yourself familiar with interpretations of Personal Month Numbers. For instance, an interpretation of Personal Month Number for the next July indicates that studies into the depths of your own mind will give brilliant results. It does not mean that you will have to sit in an armchair and spend 30 days of summer digging deep into your soul in search of the answers to questions that make you wake up at night.

Nothing stops you from doing your daily routine or even going away on vacation. In any case, the months' dominating influence will trigger changes on a mental level resulting in a more intensive and, consequently, more efficient functioning of your brain. Answers will ultimately emerge on their own accord. You will only have to record them in your mind to avoid getting back to the same questions. (You had better write them down since memory is not too reliable.)

And, finally, it is quite a challenge to plan out your actions for a certain day in the future. But if you view a day not as 24 hours taken out of context but as a constituent element of a nine-day cycle, it will become a short period of a long known distance you have covered time and again. This will enable you to wisely allocate your energy and prioritize current issues by importance and urgency.

The same principle applies to Personal Month. If you recall that three years make four 9-months cycles, then "the future hidden behind the veil of secret" will disappear making way for a strictly regulated system where each component can be effortlessly forecast. The thing is that Numerology is actually not a list of rigid rules and binding requirements but rather a set of recommended practices helping to make life easier.

Calculation of Personal Month and Personal Day Numbers

Everything is quite simple here. Personal Month Number is an addition of Personal Year Number and ordinal number of the relevant month. For instance, if it is your fifth Personal Year and you need to find out what Personal Month March will be, you need to add 5 to 3, the ordinal number of March in calendar year. The result is 8. It will be the Number sought.

Naturally, reduced results of 1+1=2 and 1+2=3 should be used for November and December respectively.

Likewise, Personal Day Number is an addition of Personal Month Number and ordinal number of the relevant day. It is obvious that you will have to use reduced results for these calculations more frequently since months contain much more two-digit numbers than one-digit ones.

Therefore, March 15 will be your fifth Personal Day of cycle: 1+5=6,
8 (Personal Month Number)+6 = 14,

Interpretations of Personal Day Numbers can be found below. What I have to add is that results of short-term forecasting may be vital in certain situations. For example, these include situations when you have to determine the optimum time to purchase a house that you have been saving for half of your life or set your wedding day.

Personal Month Number is of special importance in the latter case: nowadays, honeymoon is when many marriages end.

Interpretations of Personal Day Numbers

  1. The First Step on The Path of Renewal

    This is the day when a little luck can be the first step on the path of success. Even if you had no special plans for today, you’d better change the schedule. Today is the day when you’ll get a positive result, even if a tiny one. It's not so much the result, but the emotional atmosphere it will set.

    If you succeed to lay the foundation of a promising project today – enter into a contract, enlist prospective support – the likelihood of success increases immensely.

  2. Measure Twice…

    It is the day when you’d better keep from actions of any kind, and devote your time to planning your next steps. There are two reasons for this. First, the day will be full of surprises, and you may lack the determination to react quickly and correctly in each case.

    Second, the habitual, even routine work this day will be much more effective than attempts to size a sudden opportunity. Mistakes and losses on such a day can disrupt the rhythm of life for a long time.

  3. The World Is Your Oyster

    It’s a great day for action and targeted efforts. You can complete something that you’ve been engrossed in recently. The launch of new projects will be equally successful, especially if they involve teamwork, or cooperation based on partnership.

    A characteristic feature of this day is a veto on concentrating the activity in a single direction – a failure is very likely. An attempt to interfere with the affairs of others with the intention to harm will do no good either – it's more trouble than it’s worth. This is the day for companionship, cooperation and mutual understanding.

  4. Spring Cleaning

    It is a good day to take some pending cases from the shelf and, finally, bring them to completion. If you don’t have anything of the kind on the agenda, you’d better devote your time to working out the plans for the nearest future. A yet undeveloped, but potentially productive idea will be very helpful.

    In order to be able to fully focus on it, you’d better give up everything that can work as a distraction – entertainment, bursts of emotion. You shouldn’t respond to unexpected tempting opportunity, as it is a bad day for new beginnings.

  5. Impossible Is Nothing

    Lots of completely unexpected events can happen this day. Overabundance of energy will make the atmosphere vibrate. It’s quite possible that the excitement will make you take risky actions having, however, all the chances for success – especially if the options have been calculated in advance.

    Take up something new only if there is no other choice. If your soul still yearns for adventures, you’d better make a trip that has long been delayed due to lack of time. Happiness can be waiting for you beside the road.

  6. Slow and Steady Wins The Race

    It is a good day to make a thoroughly prepared move in the carefully planned game. Thus, you’ll secure a victory. On the contrary, you should do your best to avoid spontaneous, thoughtless actions caused by an unexpected problem or deliberately provoked by someone, even at risk of your own reputation.

    There’s nothing good, of course, in demonstration of uncertainty, but unnecessary risk on this day is fraught with far more serious consequences. Speed and determination in this case will not help.

  7. Knowledge Is Power

    On this day, you need to follow your hunches, listen to the movements of your soul. Good if you have an opportunity to dedicate the day to acquiring knowledge, communicating with people, who are able to say something new and to give good advice. You can hope that a matter that you couldn't bring to an end for a while will be somehow mysteriously resolved today.

    If there is an element of creativity in your life, you can practice an art you love most: write a sonnet for a dear person or draw their portrait for yourself.

  8. A Big Win

    Take your time to prepare for this day not to waste time afterwards. To obtain satisfactory results you need concentration, quick reflexes, and swiftness of action. You will manage to implement everything, from small routine affairs, to serious, long-term projects that require large investments.

    You can dramatically change your financial situation today. Just try not to miss the opportunities that this day provides – don’t delay making decisions, don’t lose sight of the emerging prospects.

  9. Victory Day

    On this day, you can finish current affairs, sum up and assess the results of completed projects, and initiate the launch of new, even more promising ones. Each of these activities will be accompanied by the feeling of victory, personal triumph. This is especially true if all this is related to art or financial activities.

    It is a good day to bring your plans for the future to the attention of people concerned, and, if necessary, to enlist their support. As a result you will improve your status and strengthen the existing business connections.


Learn to quickly find meanings of Personal Numbers for each calendar day and month, including in your head. Give it enough practice. One day this skill may help you a lot.

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