
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Life Path Periods

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In this lesson, we are going to talk about Life Path Periods – the longest and the most influencing periods of time that one's Earthly life is divided into.

If you have carefully studied the materials of the previous lesson, you already know that human life consists of three main periods: Period of Life Path Development, Period of Life Path Creation and Period of Life Path Integration.

These long names once again remind that each period is a part of the entire path that leads us to the primary goal – fulfillment of the mission assigned to us. However, the methods that we will use to solve immediate problems significantly differ from the abilities given to us to achieve intermediate goals – in line with the particular features of the current period. What is more, our evaluation system, and hence our life stance, may radically change at the boundary between the periods. Only the global goal will remain unchanged.

Development Period

The Period of Development consists of four nine-year cycles minus your Life Path Number. That is, if you were born on February 3, 1990, and your Life Path Number is six 3; 2; 1990=1+9+9=19; 3+2+19=24, 2+4=6, it is very easy to find out when the first period of your life ends. Subtract 6 from 36 (9*4). The result is 30. It is your individual duration of the Development Period. On December 31, 2020 (1990+30), you will celebrate completion of your personality development.

You will complete the path from baby to adult during the Development Period. Your views of the world will be constantly changing throughout this path under the influence of the information you have learned and the life experience you have accumulated.

Trace the stages of your mind's gradation based on your reactions to external circumstances. It is evident that at the age of 5 you just complain to adults about a game companion who has wronged you, while at the age of 25 you will find another way to handle a similar situation. The same principle will apply to all manifestations of life until the stance that you take towards the outer world is determined completely.

Development Period Number

Each period of your life path has a certain corresponding number exercising a determining influence on the formation of our world view.

Development Period Number is a Numerological addition of your Birth Day Numbers. In our example, it is 0+3, that is, the Three. It means that your preparation to the challenges awaiting you in adulthood will be influenced by the artistic side of your personality. This will undoubtedly affect the result.

Creation Period

Creation Period lasts for 9 years, that is, one complete cycle. It is not much, but within this time you need to get on your feet – turn the profession you have chosen into a source of guaranteed permanent income, ultimately determine your functions in the family if you have started one; choose a city where you would like to live for your whole life, find home having everything that you and your near and dear need, and build up a strong financial basis for the possibility of unexpected changes.

In our example, this period ends on December 31, 2029 (1990+30+9), when you turn 39. Well, of course, it is too early to care about old age, but it is high time to change the tempo of moving through your life.

Creation Period Number

Creation Period Number corresponds to the Numerological addition of your Birth Month. If, in the example we have chosen, it is February, Creation Period will be influenced by the Two.

It means that for nine years you will rely on the principles of kindness, mercy and justice. Despite a great many current duties, your primary intermediate goal will remain the same – maintaining smooth and peaceful relations with others.

Integration Period

It is the time that you will have starting from the end of Creation Period to the hour when your Earthly path ends. In this period, you will have to think through the path you have completed and evaluate the role that you have played in other people's lives.

Like the first two periods of life, Integration Period imposes certain obligations on the person. In particular, you may see you mission as not fully completed if you fail to share your experience with those who can comprehend and accept it.

That is why ending your career may be either triumphal or absolutely miserable. Here, the influence of Integration Period Number may play a determining part.

Integration Period Number

Integration Period Number will help you understand how you can come to terms with the reality of the world and bring peace to your soul. Or, perhaps, it will enable you to make up for the lost time, like in the case of our example.

Integration Period Number is determined by Numerological addition of your Birth Year Numbers. In our case, it is the one 1990=1+9+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1. If you get the same result when calculating your own Integration Period Number, you can have no doubt that Destiny has stored the main thing for the "final act" of your life. So, the time of warm milk and peaceful sleep by a fireplace has not yet come for you.

Life Path Periods Description

  1. The period of developing an independent personality. You need to comprehend and formulate your own unique offer to the world in order to get the right to choose how your life will continue. It is both spiritual and intellectual work, it's stressful and sometimes dangerous, but absolutely necessary.
  2. The period of development and inner growth amidst active contacts with people. It's the time of cooperation and friendships where your creative personality will manifest itself. It is a lesson of diplomacy and tact, practical training to manage your power.
  3. The period of strengthening your social status through activating your creative abilities. You need concentration and self-discipline to use your inner energy flow and make the brightest and the most favourable impression on the others.
  4. The period of expanding you assets, forming the practical basis for your future life. The result will directly depend on your persistence, self-control and the ability to use your energy potential. The outcomes of this period will define the quality of all the following ones.
  5. The period of big changes and possible shocks. Still, don't refuse from something new to avoid regretting missed opportunities. It may turn out to be an alternative lifestyle, complete freedom from everything that you don't want and don't need anymore.
  6. The period to take preventive measures against loneliness. All your responsibility, your care and support towards your near and dear ones will bear fruit one day – they’ll give you sincere affection and love. There won't be a more important time in your life.
  7. The period to carefully analyze your personality. You need to concentrate on unbiased evaluation of all your strengths and weaknesses. The best way to change something is to be open for communication in order to share the riches of your soul, your experience and knowledge.
  8. The period of career development and social growth. The time to activate qualities needed to achieve financial independence through large-scale projects. Be careful and attentive to avoid fatal mistakes.
  9. The period of spiritual growth. Love for people, tolerance and willingness to give without asking for anything in return should become your major driving force. Time to activate your creative abilities. Use them rationally and you'll have a chance to make your mark on the world. 


Calculate time frames of all three periods of your life, as well as the numbers corresponding to them. You might have already missed something and you may need to catch up.

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Birth date

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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