
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Goal and Challenge Numbers

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What does the Goal Number reveal?

As you already know from the materials of the previous lesson, each period of human life has a certain corresponding number whose nominal value enables us to identify qualitative characteristics of the universe's influence on this or that person. Thus, the number of each period is a sort of a destination vector in this period of life.

You may wonder why we need this external influence and destination for our efforts. To reach a certain result?

Exactly! It indicates intermediate goals that everyone has to fulfill in the first, second and third periods of life. The numbers determining the nature of these goals correspond to Period Numbers.

Let us take a random example – we will also need it later – to remind you how Period Number, which also means Period Goal Number, is calculated.

So, let us assume that you were born on November 23, 1989 (23.11.1989). Consequently, your Development Period Number is 5 (Numerological addition of Birth Day Numbers); your Creation Period Goal Number is 2 (addition of Birth Month Numbers); and Integration Period Number is 9 (addition of Birth Year Numbers).

Naturally, when doing homework you will get your actual results. So, below I will give interpretations of all possible results from 1 to 9.

Goal Number Interpretation

  1. The main goal is obtaining a steady life stance enabling to have your own opinion. Still, this does not mean that any external influence should be perceived as infringement on your independence. Quite the opposite, you should be grateful for the lesson taught, whether is is positive or negative. It is the basis for accumulation of necessary experience.
  2. Your top-priority goal is learning to work in a team on a pari passu basis. Perhaps, by doing this you will fail to preserve absolute independence. But if you manage to prove that you make a decent contribution to the common good, you will confirm your status and gain mental balance.
  3. There are no people who are void of any creative abilities whatsoever, so your goal is to find and develop them in yourself. This is relevant for any period, but if the Three is the first or third period's number, you will either be able to find your calling or make your well-deserved rest more meaningful.
  4. It is the ideal Goal Number for the first and second periods. Your main goal is to learn to be patient and hard-working. If you succeed, you will not only lay a solid foundation of your future well-being, but also manage to put your ideas into practice and consequently increase your value in the eyes of others.
  5. Your goal is to break free from all unnecessary rules, doctrines and paradigms burdening your mind. Once you do it, you will feel that a heavy weight has fallen off your shoulders. Your life will get more meaningful, and your movement to the main goal – more intensive. The number of unexpected surprises will grow as well, though.
  6. It is the most significant Goal Number, especially for Creation Period. It is the age when you are to understand that people around you have their own wishes and needs, not so much different from yours. It means that you need to learn to take their needs into account and sacrifice your own interests for the good of your fellow human beings.
  7. It is not the most suitable goal for the first period, but an absolutely necessary one for the third. The task corresponding to goal 7 is an objective evaluation of your mental characteristics, self-perfection. At an early age, it can result in excessive emotional tension, while for grown-ups it is essential to ultimately sort themselves out. At least not to cause problems for their children.
  8. Your main goal is to learn to count money in an adult way. More precisely, to set financial plans for a year and dozens of years in advance, taking into account interests of everyone you bear material responsibility for. It is a critical skill in any career – not only in business, but in every field.
  9. Goal 9 is one of the hardest to achieve. You are stepping on the path of mercy and tolerance so you need to learn to forgive people for their weaknesses. When you are young, the nine can bring about early maturity, but this will give you more time to implement global objectives that cross the boundaries of mundane existence.

Challenge Numbers

In the review article "Numerology Map of the Future" I mentioned that there is a Challenge for each period – the main problem that you will have to face at this or that stage of your life path. It is high time to get back to this topic to cover it in more detail.

Almost every day we have to handle major and minor difficulties arising in our life. But Period Challenge is a special influence that determines the type and nature of all problems that you need to deal with one way or another if you truly intend to fulfill your mission on Earth.

Information on the qualitative characteristics of obstacles awaiting us at each stage of our life path is encoded in Challenge Numbers. If you want to foreknow what you will have to deal with, you need to calculate these Numerology indicators. Anyway, there is nothing complicated here.

Challenge Number Calculation

Pursuant to the numerological tradition, Challenge Number of the first period of life is the difference between your Birth Day and Month Numbers; Challenge Number of the second period is the difference between your Birth Day and Year Numbers, while that of the third period is represented by the difference between the first and second period Challenge Numbers.

It seems to be the right time to get back to the example we used at the beginning of this lesson, namely, birth date 23.11.1989. First of all, you need to calculate all mentioned Numerology values that we need for subsequent calculations.

Obviously, Birthday Number in this case is 5 (2+3), Month Number – 2 (1+1), and Year Number – 9 (1+9+8+9=27, 2+7=9).

When calculating Challenge Numbers, the smaller value is always subtracted from the large one. Accordingly, your Development Period Challenge Number is 3 (5-2), Creation Period Challenge Number – 4 (9-5), and Integration Period Challenge Number – 1 (4-3).

Now you only need to find out what each of the possible results from 0 to 8 means. Yes, indeed, the thing is that Birth Day, Month and Year Numbers may be the same. At the same time, in neither variant the subtraction will result in 9.

Challenge Number Interpretations

  1. You prefer closing your eyes to problems of the global level – problems of humanity, nation, and even those around your. You will have to reconsider your life stance; otherwise, your asocial behavior will lead to the situation when the society will cease to take any notice of you. You will be rejected as a needless burden, which may be fraught with total isolation.
  2. The main obstacle on your path will be a lure to join the pack. But then you will lose your individuality. You will have to fight for your place under the sun and, generally, do it alone to maintain your leadership status.
  3. Excessive emotional vulnerability forces you to minimize contacts with others including the closest ones. The main obstacle preventing you from movement to the goal is your dependence on opinions of others. This means that you need to get rid of it no matter what it takes. Otherwise, you will have no life of your own.
  4. Your main problem is your indecision. You have no confidence in your abilities and fear getting in an awkward situation if you try to apply them. Yet, you need to do it even if the first attempts will not be successful. Take the risk! With its feet cuts through the path it follows.
  5. Your problem is in the wrong evaluation of prospects of every new undertaking. You lack self-organization, critical for any project to be effective. Start with sorting out the mess at home – for example, in the relations with your family. This will bring order to your thoughts and feelings.
  6. The difficulty you have to overcome is your inability to value what you have. Nothing is ever enough for you, and you strive to get where you hope to obtain something more. But your hopes always fail to come true to the full. If you do not stop rushing from one side to another, the result of your life may come to null.
  7. You are used by anyone who feels like it. The reason, which is also the main problem, lies in your exaggerated idealism. Do not take it as an appeal to exercise a total distrust towards others. But you definitely need to learn to sort the wheat from the chaff.
  8. Your main problem is in your pseudo rationality. You have learned firm rules for all situations in life and reject anything that does not fit with these rules. You need to master mental flexibility and stop being skeptical about things beyond your views of the reality.
  9. Your problem exists because the process of providing yourself with all conceivable attributes of material wealth has overshadowed all other aspects of life. You should change your priorities at least in part. The fact is that it is not only money that your near and dear ones need, but also simple human attention.


Define your intermediate goals and calculate Challenge Numbers for all periods of life. This will open your eyes to possible reasons of your failures.

Numerological Calculator

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Birth date

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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