
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Personal Year Number

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Today we are starting the section of Numerology Forecasting that contains information about the features and qualitative characteristics of each year of your life.

During one of the previous lessons I already mentioned that evaluating the probability of events of this or that year is one of the most popular methods of forecasting. It is due not only to its high level of precision, but also to its relative ease.

In fact, it is hard for us humans to determine the sequence of our actions in the context of circumstances beyond our control even for one nine-year cycle. But, generally, we know everything about our plans for the next 12 months. Especially if the probability of most events is over 80%.

Lets us say, in March of the coming year you have to go on another business trip, in June you will have a regular vacation (and enough money to stay at a beach resort with your family), while in October your family is expecting a baby. Each of these events is a milestone that gives clear guidelines helping you to understand what and when you will do during this year.

Calendar Year and Personal Year

Characteristics of calendar year are the same for all people. These characteristics take into account only global-scale events which directly influence lives of certain people only in eleven-plus percent of cases (I will return to this number a bit later).

A year can throw the world into turmoil due to natural disasters, political crises, etc. But if you – God forbid – are ill or preparing for a major surgery at this time, you will not be troubled too much by environmental catastrophes or cases of human rights abuse. Care for your own health will be your primary concern.

Thus, Personal Year, one of the key concepts, exists in Numerology to enable you to forecast your reactions to external circumstances of the year and adjust your plans accordingly.

What is Personal Year?

A point on the timeline, that is, Birth Day, Month and Year, corresponds to one's entrance into the world. Addition of a person's Birth Date Numbers determines Life Path Number, that is, the global goal and sequence of actions that one takes to achieve it.

Each calendar year also has a corresponding number that reveals its characteristics. For instance, the number of the year 2018 is Master Number 11 2018=2+1+8=11 whose vibrations determine the features of this year's energies.

Still, everybody also has their own personal calendar where the chronology starts from their coming into the world. The calendar year's energies usually differ from those of the same year for a particular person. We all have our own personal energies of this or that year. Their characteristics are determined by Personal Year Number.

You need to understand and remember that quite often the first year of one's life is not their Personal Year 1. You could have been born on any year of the nine-year circle whose beginning and end have shaped the universe as such for you. That is why your life might have started from Personal Year Three, or Five, or Nine – depending on the qualities of energy that you had at the moment of your birth.

Only one person out of nine have Personal Year Number similar to calendar year number – these are the said eleven-plus percent. Such people are completely focused on the events of the global level or – much more seldom – are directly involved in them. In the rest of cases, our actions are not in the least related to what is happening in the world as we are actually governed by our Personal Year Number.

How to calculate Personal Year Number?

Before we start calculations I will remind you: it is forecasting that we are talking about. Thus, one very important remark:

Personal Year Number is not a register of future events, even though more or less probable. It merely indicates qualitative characteristics of energies that the universe temporarily – for 12 months – allotted to us. But it is these characteristics that determine our reactions to circumstances. We can ignore them, withstand them or try to use them for own benefit. Only then circumstances will influence our life. What matters is not the event as such, but its final result that directly depends on the particularities of our perception at this moment of time.

As for calculations, their simplicity hides the logic that enables us to establish the connection between the moment of our birth and any calendar year whatever.

Calculation Practice

So, Personal Year Number is an addition of the day and month of birth and any year whose characteristics we are interested in.

I will take an example to explain. Let us assume that you were born on July 12, 1985, and would like to know Personal Year of the nine-year cycle you were born on. By simple calculations we can find out that:

your Birth Number is 1+2=3;

your Birth Month Number is 7;

calendar year number being your year of birth is 1985=1+9+8+5=23, 2+3=5.

So we only need to add these numbers and then reduce the sum we will get: 3+7+5=15, 1+5=6. This means that you were born on the sixth Personal Year and, probably, have since the first days of your life cared for peace and well-being of slow-witted adults crowding around your cradle.

If you need to know exactly what a certain year of the future has in store for you, you need to change only one value in the calculation – the calendar year number.

Let us assume that you are interested in the year 2025 whose number is 2+2+5=9. We can replace the nine with the five and make the appropriate calculations. So we get: 12.07.2025, 1+2=3; 7; 2+2+5=9; 3+7+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1. Consequently, your 2025 will be influenced by Personal Year 1, and all your plans will come true. Provided, of course, that you will be brave and steady in your aims.

This forecasting method can help you compile your personal calendar. If you know the qualities of numbers (they never change), you can make your life meaningful, and actions – most efficient. You just need to know what energies correspond to the number of each Personal Year, and use them for the purpose intended.

Personal Year Number Meanings

  1. This is a year of renewal. If you want to start your life from scratch, then this is just the time to do so. Exceptional opportunities to set new goals determining the course of action for years ahead are waiting for you. You can change everything, from the views and principles to marital status and country of residence.
  2. This is a year of collaboration. You will see plenty of opportunities to consolidate the initial success by means of new business and personal alliances. Use every chance to restore your lost relationships and make as many new ones as possible. This is a good year for marriage, as well as for projects based on partnership.
  3. This is a year of creative endeavors. You might experience self-fulfillment through practical application of the inborn talents, not to simply amaze the people around, but in order to obtain real practical benefits. This is a chance to rethink your ultimate life goal, to find alternatives to the monotony of everyday life.
  4. This is a year of practical deeds. Only through hard work aimed at obtaining tangible results: the stability, financial independence and guarantees for the future, should you be able to take advantage of all the real opportunities offered. This is a good year for marriage, real estate purchase and consolidating your professional reputation.
  5. This is a year of changes. There will always be an opportunity to put everything at stake to gain even more. If your plans for the future include the need to move to another city or country, it is better to do so before the end of the year. What at first seems a gamble, may turn out to be the most reasonable thing to do in life.
  6. This is a year of service. If before there was no time left for the fulfillment of commitments to your relatives or others around, there will be plenty of opportunities to catch up this year. It takes self-denial and readiness to make sacrifices, but the results can exceed expectations. This is a good year for marriage, giving birth to children.
  7. It’s a year of solitude and introspection. The circumstances will make it possible for you to assess both your actions, as well as their prime causes, your inner self and life principles. You may be unpleasantly surprised by the results, but you have to take them into account.
  8. This is a year of actions. This period will provide you with lots of opportunities for the implementation of the most ambitious plans, major projects, improving the material well-being, consolidating your professional reputation. There may be a change of marital status. This will be the year of high performance,
  9. This is a year of reckoning. Everything that has been achieved during this period might be brought to a standard, errors corrected and faults fixed. Based on the results achieved, you’ll be able to assess your potential. The findings will bring a feeling of satisfaction and allow you to make detailed plans for the future.


Calculate Personal Year Numbers of your birth and the current calendar year. The former will give you some highlights about yearly phases of nine-year cycles, while the latter will give you a clue as to what you should do now.

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Birth date

Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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