
Part 3 - Fate And Future
Numerological transit numbers

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Introducing different methods of Numerology Forecasting, I have until now used only information hidden in the date of your birth. But does it mean that the name given to you at birth in no way affects your destiny?

Certainly, not. At least because one's full name determines Expression Number, that is presence or absence of expressed and hidden abilities that make each of us what we are.

But Expression Number is one of the Major Numbers and, accordingly, it sets global, lifelong parameters, so it can be hardly used for more detailed forecasting. Especially considering that our energies, particularities of perception, scale of values, thoughts and feelings are constantly changing throughout our entire life. Hence, external manifestations of our personality must change depending on the age.

In Numerology, such qualitative changes are referred to as Transits. One's name is raw material to identify and analyze them.

Your Name is a Musical Opus

Since school days we all know that the letter is a graphic representation of sound. And every sound is vibrations of certain clarity and tune. When joined together in a word, sounds become a musical phrase having its own tonality, rhythm and character.

Your name has the same characteristics. Say it aloud and behind a familiar sequence of sounds you will hear vibrations of energy surge having a certain direction.

For example, sound of the name John represents precision and understanding of his own strength, while in the name Olivia you will hear impracticality and inclination to hesitate. The name Victoria sounds of vibrations of commitment and strong will, and the name Christian tells of dreaminess and undying belief in wonder.

As for surnames, Smith, which is the most common surname in the world, will provide the best example. Its French equivalent is Lefèvre, the Chinese one – Сhang, the Polish – Kowalski. But in each variant you can hear a strike on the anvil and, consequently, propensity for hard labor.

But all this is only on the level of emotional perception. As for numerical indicators, they precisely indicate certain traits. All changes – Transits – of these traits may reveal themselves on different personal levels, hence the following Transit classification is generally accepted in Numerology:

  • the first name contains information about Transits on physical level;
  • the middle name – information on mental-level Transits;
  • the surname – on soul-level Transits.

Calculation of your Transit Numbers

Here I typically need to take an arbitrary combination of the first name, middle name and surname, as well as the year of birth, otherwise it will be too difficult for you to comprehend and remember the sequence of required mathematical operations.

So, let it be Mary Anne Cooper, 1995.

The corresponding number of the first letter of the first name – 'M’ – is number 4. This means that your first physical-level Transit after birth lasted for 4 years. Then it was replaced by letter ‘a’ Transit for one year as the number of this letter is 1. As for the next Transit, the one of letter ‘r’ (9), will last for nine years. The final Transit was (or will be) the one whose duration is governed by the meaning of letter ‘y’, 7.

After that, the entire 21-year (4+1+9+7) cycle of Transits on physical level will finish to start again in the same sequence.

You can calculate the duration of the Transit cycle on mental and intuitive levels in the similar fashion:

Now we have to solve a more complicated problem. Let us determine which numbers of Mary’s transits will be active in the year of interest.

Take the year 2032. Mary was born in 1995, so it will be the 37th year of her life. The physical transit lasts for 21 years, therefore in 37 years one complete cycle and one partial cycle will pass. Subtract the duration of the transit from Mary’s age: 37-21 = 16; this is the bias. Now we need to understand which number’s vibration falls on the 16th year within the physical cycle. To do this, we need to successively add the numbers included in the transit (4, 1, 9, 7) until the amount exceeds or becomes equal to the bias of 16.















4+1+9+7 = 21 (total amount exceeded 16, which means the 16th year falls on the vibration of number 7)

The duration of the mental cycle is 16 years, which means that by the age of 37 two full cycles of 2x16 = 32 years and one partial cycle will have passed. We calculate the bias: 37-32 = 5. Now we are going to build a table to understand what kind of transit falls on the 5th year of the mental cycle.









1+5=7 (total amount exceeded 5, which means the 5th year falls on the vibration of number 5)

The intuitive cycle lasts for 36 years, which means that at the age of 37 years it will begin again; moreover, in the first year of the cycle the transit of the first letter of the surname C, which corresponds to 3, will be active.

Final Transit Table for Mary Anne Cooper for 2032

It remains to find out what these numbers mean. Interpretations of transits on the physical, mental and intuitive levels are given below.

Decoding transits values

Physical Transits:

  1. This is the time to increase your physical activity. You should take less risk: your sense of self-preservation is at zero point.
  2. Try to get in good shape: your physical condition is stable.
  3. This is not the best time for impulsive, rash actions. The result may be a nervous breakdown.
  4. This period is the "winter" for your body; you will spend it in the mink, saving your vital energy. There is a risk to gain weight.
  5. It is a period of a nervous condition. Excessive activity can cause fatigue, which will adversely affect the body's immune system.
  6. Try to match your "best intentions" with the real capabilities of your body. Otherwise, insomnia and digestive problems are guaranteed to you.
  7. Excessive concern for your health during this period can give the opposite results. Do not overdo it.
  8. This period is exceptionally productive provided that you manage to direct your energy in the right direction.
  9. It is the wrong time to lose weight or to have rejuvenation operations. The reaction of the body will be definitely negative.

Intellectual Transits

  1. This is the time of sudden insights caused by the rejection of previously known answers and ready-made solutions. You can make a discovery.
  2. This is the period of increased attention to minor factors that will help to see the world in a new, unexpected perspective.
  3. This is the time when imagination will help you discover your creative abilities, and even put them into practice.
  4. Devote this period to long-term planning. It is possible that, on second thoughts, you will change your motivation.
  5. Time of the Big Cleaning: it is time to abandon the principles that did not influence your life and replace them with the new, more functional ones.
  6. This period is ideal for rethinking your life purpose. The reason for this may be dissatisfaction with the results.
  7. It is the time for an in-depth self-analysis. Try to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses This will give you an opportunity to start afresh.
  8. It is time to analyze your behavior from an ethical point of view. It is possible that you will consider some of your actions unacceptable and you will want to repent.
  9. Time to assess your intellectual potential by comparing the number of the realized opportunities with the number of the lost ones. By doing this, you will know in which direction to go next.

Intuitive transits

  1. This is a good time to learn to trust your opinion and your intuition more than the fundamental truths.
  2. The period activates the inner vision that will help you to distinguish the right from the wrong without using any facts.
  3. It is the time for an unusual metamorphosis: you will gain the ability to see the beautiful and to distinguish it intuitively from a catchy mediocrity.
  4. The period is extremely useful in practical terms: you will have a clear vision, which will determine the best direction for development.
  5. It is a difficult period: you will have to sacrifice the thought that you have achieved a lot in life. Then you will understand what was really worth pursuing.
  6. This is the time to solve many personal problems; it will be the result of a sudden understanding of how much your loved ones mean to you.
  7. The period is suitable for adjusting your external manifestations if the reaction to them is mostly negative.
  8. Time for money: you can intuitively determine which of the possible activities will be most materially justified.
  9. It is likely that during this period you will finally find a person who is destined to take the main place in your life. You will recognize him or her immediately.

Home work

Calculate the number of transits for each letter of your name. As a result, you will get an idea of which number’s influence on your life is currently dominant, and how long you can use it.

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Manuel Cooper
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Mary Anne Cooper
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