

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: Spain
Meaning: ready for battle
Gender: Female
Lucky numbers: 9, 8, 19, 1
Planets: ♂ Mars, ♃ Jupiter
Metal: Iron
Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius
Day of the week: Tuesday
Gems: Chalcedony Bojo Stone Chrysoberyl Diopside Feldspar Hematite Malachite Fenaktit Peschanik Tektite Yellow Topaz Blue Tourmaline Brown Tourmaline Pink Tourmaline Striped Stone.

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Xiomara

Xiomara Name Meaning

You are an idealist; you love your family and friends, your home. You are very sensitive to beauty, especially in people. You are capable of a strong, all-consuming love, but it can quickly fade if your chosen one does not coincide with your ideal of beauty and perfection - both in terms of character and personality. You are particularly displeased with pettiness of people in their deeds and actions. In addition, you can’t stand it when you are under pressure or thrown off balance.

Your power can do you harm if you start abusing alcohol or start other harmful habits; it will be very difficult for you to get rid of them.

Your main support is faith in yourself and the Higher Forces, as well as love for your people.

As a rule, the carriers of the name enjoy good health, but it can be weakened by too hard work and negative emotions, such as envy, hot temper, or hostility. So take care of yourself!

You are very charming and popular with others, thanks to your warmth of feelings, understanding and ability to empathize. You are a good friend and a good companion; it is pleasant to enjoy life with you.


Personality Number One. It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, it’s no good to use flashy colors or catchy accessories to achieve this. It doesn’t mean that bright, cheerful color palette is just not your cup of tea. Actually, your style and the way you dress on the whole should be particularly reasonable, tasteful, and respectable. Choose high-quality, fitting outfits. With a look that fits all these criteria, you charm people over and win their trust. These principles should be followed not only in building your wardrobe, but also when decorating and furnishing your house and office.


Your goal is to embrace the boundless. Your soul yearns for everything that one can have, and as much as one can have. That’s why, in a manner of speaking, the problem of choice, as such, doesn’t exist for you. You just cannot decline any offer that your life makes. You may take wishes of others into account when making a decision, but only as secondary factors: you believe that if you are well, then all the others have nothing to complain about. This means, you can and should make them work in harness with you, and follow your direction. This enables you to take a different perspective of things. You need assistance from outside, and first of all – as a restraining factor. Otherwise, you may want to turn the Earth around. But if you have to use other people’s capabilities, you’ll need to learn to share the results. The sooner you make choice in favor of this manner of action and interaction, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

Name Xiomara Love & Compatibility

Xiomara, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of character strength, dedication and ambitiousness mean immeasurably more for you than sensuality and visual beauty. In your marriage partner, if you have one, you will first of all appreciate the ability to grasp your ideas and the ability to provide support.

Xiomara - Love compatibility

Xiomara - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Xiomara

11 - 3
4 - 666
- - 999


Two figures imply gentle nature. Praise and gratitude serve as support for it. Friendliness is constantly manifested.


No figures value signals of an energy vampire with zero energy resources. The only way of ensuring development is using someone else’s energy as a tailwind.


One figure implies versatile interests, both in humanitarian and technical areas. Only empirically can you choose the most suitable area of application.


One figure implies that there is no apparent predisposition to illnesses, but heavy physical activity should be avoided. The best way is to get higher education.


No figures value implies complete isolation from the real world, inability to logically understand causes and effects. Productivity is generally low.


Three figures and more imply tenacity bordering on obsession. Work is transformed into an end in itself and ceases to be creative. To move mountains means to destroy them.

LUCK (-)

No figures value implies low level of luck. It’s best not to count on sudden gifts of fate, but rather on your real capabilities and skills.


No figures value implies that sense of duty is in its infancy. As a consequence there are no stable relationships, credibility or financial independence.

MEMORY (999)

Three figures and more imply exceptional ability to assimilate information. The problem is that large amounts of knowledge complicate the right decision making process.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Xiomara

See also

Names By Origin