

Name popularity rank: 🏆 5766
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Name Summary

Origin: Africa
Meaning: from the name kimberly
Gender: Female
Lucky numbers: 8, 9
Planets: ♂ Mars, ♄ Saturn
Metal: Iron, Tin
Zodiac sign: ♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn
Day of the week: Tuesday
Gems: Calcite Cinnabar Coral Dioptase Ivory Black Lignite Markazite Mika Opal Selenite Serpentine Smoky Quartz

Talents and Weaknesses

6Sense of Duty
PsychotypePsychological Type

The Meaning of Name Kimmy

Kimmy Name Meaning

You have a strong character, you are accustomed not to speak but to do; others often depend on you. But to achieve harmony in life, you need to find and set a balance between rest and work.

You are an excellent and reliable partner; you have many hobbies and interests. You get along well with people from all walks of life, you love influential people. You like beautiful, bright clothes and big houses.

Contradiction is typical of your character: seeing a worthy goal in front of you and realizing the enormous opportunities of the planned business in case of success, being able to correctly guide and choose performers, you can suddenly begin to hesitate, or even step aside and give others the right to win the award.

Your number is the number of sincerity and honesty. Sometimes it is common for you to speak out straight and rough and the frequent blunders of others can outrage you. But you quickly calm down and rather tend to blame yourself than the others. You are often prone to constant soul searching and guilt; don’t go too far in this! Especially when you need to solve problems or deal with difficulties.

You are the embodiment of vigorous activity; you are always busy doing something. Your turbulent energy can force you to take part in several activities at once, to utter surprise of your less efficient colleagues and to the detriment of your own health. Such activity is able to nullify even the goal for which you are working. Therefore, you need to learn to rest and relax in time, as well as get rid of the tension and feeling of rivalry which always accompany excessive efforts.


Personality number Eight. Obviously, famous names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to replenish the vocabulary of Eights. You always need to look “comme il faut” to prove that you belong to a certain circle, and confirm your position and status. This is the only way how you can feel at ease, and, consequently, show kindness, friendliness, and easily get into contact.


Your idealistic nature makes you give way to those urges of the soul and desires of the heart which are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You’ll never consent to less. You are not going to spread yourself too thin. Should you come across a chance – even the least possible one – to do some good to the humanity, you’ll pick it, abandoning the one that literally lies under your feet. Quite often you feel that no one in the world is truly able to understand you, appreciate your ideas and large-scale plans. This might upset you, but not for long. There is hardly anything you won’t sacrifice to reach your great goal, is there? So you do sacrifice; often without thinking. As a consequence, you lose lots of things along the way, which could make your life somewhat more earthly. Your actions often bring real benefits, which are almost stunning at times. However, you’d better think of establishing stronger ties with the outside world, as these could make your ideas about its needs more realistic, and the results – more valuable.

Name Kimmy Love & Compatibility

Kimmy, you often forget that family life is incompatible with keeping the status of everybody’s friend. You can feel sincere love and affection to a person and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones already existing at that time. As a result, you can lose the latter, without creating the former first. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself to it entirely, without setting boundaries and borders. Then you will become a wonderful lover, while remaining a good friend.

Kimmy - Love compatibility

Kimmy - Work compatibility

Numerological Analysis Of The Name Kimmy

- 22 -
44 - 6
7 8 9



Two figures imply average energy level. The amount of energy is enough to be active in any sphere of life. Initiative and communication ability is average.


No figures implies purely humanitarian nature. Choosing technical disciplines as the subject of study would be a mistake. Putting such knowledge to use is impossible.


Two figures and a more imply exceptional physical potential. If properly and persistently developed, you may keep your great physical shape throughout your life.


No figures value implies complete isolation from the real world, inability to logically understand causes and effects. Productivity is generally low.


One figure signals of weak predisposition to manual labor which may be possible as a hobby for fun, but not as a main job for the sake of profit.

LUCK (7)

One figure means that anything is possible. Still, don’t make plans hoping for good luck, rely on your assets to be less dependent on luck.


One figure implies understanding one’s duties, but no desire to fulfill them. So there is no right to demand anything.


One figure signals of weakened ability to hold information in mind. Poor memory, if not trained, can be a hindrance in all spheres of life.

Angel Numbers Of The Name Kimmy

See also

Names By Origin