
Calculate your Numerology relationship compatibility

Take the Numerology compatibility test to get definite answers about any parameters. The test analyses compatibility of Life Path Numbers, which includes dates of birth, Expression Numbers and Soul Numbers, as well as compatibility of Maturity Numbers (sum of the Name and Birthday Numbers).

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Partners' Numbers influence on their relationship

Compatibility analysis of Birth Date and Life Path Numbers is the easiest way to gain insight into the peculiarities of the bond between the partners, identify points of contact, similarities and diferences of character traits, as well as possible causes of disagreements. The test of compatibility in love and marriage will give a final assessment of the planned marriage prospects.

Birthdays compatibility
Life Paths compatibility
Characters Compatibility
Marriage Compatibility
Love Compatibility
Features of relations between partners

Assessment of compatibility
between dates of birth and names

Although compatibility between names (Destiny Numbers) and compatibility between dates of birth (Psychomatrix) have different bases, their influences on partners' relationship are almost equal. That's why you shouldn't rely on the results of one test while completely ignoring those of another when you evaluate the prospects of the existing or an intended alliance.

To get a real picture of the future life as a couple, you need to take both results into account. Ideal compatibility of Destiny Numbers can never guarantee a successful marriage in cases of poor compatibility of the Psychomatrix indicators. And vice versa: a fortunate combination of everyday behavior traits can ensure stability of existence, but if there is no spiritual affinity, there can be no true happines.

Compatibility of Destiny Numbers

Analysis of compatibility in Destiny Numbers is a very specific research. Its goal is to stablish whether two people have a common destiny. A positive result of this analysis often outweighs all the other indicators. It is the one that makes the bond unbreakable and long-lasting, and determines stability of the family relationship.

  Your numbers Partner numbers Result
Birthday Number
Life Path Number
Expression Number
Hearts Desire Number
Maturity Number

Full Destiny Numbers Compatibilty Description

Psychomatrix compatibility (on the basis of Birth Dates)

Analysis of future partners' Psychomatrices is one of the most detailed and thorough compatibility tests. Its results shed light on the level of compatibility of basic personality traits: purposefulness, attachment to family, stability, self-esteem, ability to work, talent, temperament, spirituality, strength of character, energy. It is the most complete information on the prospects of the relationships.

  Your numbers Partner numbers Result
Sense of Purpose
Aptitude for Family Life
Working Efficiency
Birthday Compatibility Rank

Full Psychomatrix Compatibilty description


A complete Numerology relationship compatibility test provides answers to the trickiest questions that you and your partner may face in future. The results of love and marriage compatibility tests are given in percentage, so both of you will know it for sure to what extent you can trust each other in difficult circumstances.

Four love compatibility tests

The four parameters to check your compatibility with a certain person are as follows: Heavenly Union, Life Union, Destiny Union and Maturity Union. Together, these parameters make up your love compatibility chart and give an extensive overview of the most likely scenario of how your relationship will develop. These parameters are found with the help of the Numerology love compatibility calculator.

Heavenly Union

Heavenly Union Compatibility percentage is calculated on the basis of compatibility of your Soul Number with that of your partner. A high percentage indicates unity of opinions and similarity of priorities and hence guarantees absolute unanimity and mutual understanding.

Your relationship will be based on feelings and sensations that hardly anyone else would comprehend. From the very first hours together you will develop a strong mental bond that will last forever. Even if you break up, it will remain. Whatever you do, you will try to evaluate it from your ex-partner's perspective.

Life Union

Life Union Compatibility percentage is calculated on the basis of compatibility of your Life Path Number with that of your partner. A high percentage reflects unity of interests and similarity of problems that both of you face during your whole lifetime.

Moreover, both of you have almost identical opportunities to solve those problems. And this constitutes an extremely powerful uniting factor. Even if the sensual side of your relationship is far from being perfect, you will always be sure that you have a reliable companion beside you. This will never change, despite any complications in the emotional field.

Destiny Union

Destiny Union Compatibility percentage is calculated on the basis of compatibility of your Destiny Number with that of your partner. This aspect of relationship goes beyond everyday life, beyond the material world. A high percentage indicates a presence of bond that has developed long before your birth and will remain long after both of you are gone.

Time must pass before you feel that your fates are tied together. It may take years. So in this case, the result of your numerology test only hints at the area where you should seek reasons for your mutual attraction and ultimate trust. At this point, you simply need to be aware of the existence of these ties. It will help you to endure the heaviest strokes of misfortune.

Maturity Union

Maturity Union Compatibility percentage is calculated on the basis of sums of the numbers in your name and date of birth and the same numbers of your partner. A high percentage implies that both of you have gone a long way towards this Union. Here, your physical age is not the thing that matters; wisdom and maturity are found both in the old and the young. You have found each other – so the long way is over.

Maturity Union is equally perfect for love, for marriage and for business. In any case, it is a warrant of serious intentions and reasonable claims. Your Maturity Union partner will never fail you. Having so similar attitudes in life, both of you have no reason to seek any change.

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