Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers
A person's Expression Number, Heart's Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as the Core Name Numbers. In fact, these numbers describe traits that form the basis of human personality: peculiarities of character, disposition and capabilities, impression on others. And therefore, they provide a picture one's past, present, and future.
Combination of the first name, last name, and patronymic (if any) is a person's unique identification code. Information they bear is no less unique.
Your full name at birth symbolizes your inherent talents and capabilities. It reveals your potential intellectual level, predisposition to a particular way of lifestyle and occupation, as well as the way you are different from others.
Expression Number
In Numerology, the Expression Number is all about one's abilities. According to Numerology traditions, this Number indicates one's natural capabilities. This alone reveals how the term "destiny" understood in Numerology: it is neither "doom", nor "fate", but a set of inherent features. It is active potential, and the process of making use of it is called life.
Heart's Desire Number
Heart's Desire Number bears information that is vital for all to know: the answer to the "What do I want?" question. Fundamentally, every action is triggered by desire. So understanding the nature of personal motivation is the only way how you can choose a path in life that would suit aspirations of your soul.
Personality Number
Personality Number. "You look like a million dollars!" is actually a compliment. It is obviously because it costs a pretty penny to look good. Our Personality Number is the rating that shows how we are evaluated by others. It's naturally a comprehensive evaluation: from your complexion to the ability to find a matching shirt. Needless to say how important it is: first impressions are the most lasting.
Numerology of Last Name and Patronymic
Numbers of the last name and patronymic reveal our main features inherited from our family and further shaped as we grow up.
So if we analyze our Hereditary and Patronymic Numbers, we'll be able to say almost for sure how successful our parents are likely to be in their attempts to cure their own character flaws we inherited from them.
Learn moreKarmic and Master Name Numbers
Karmic and Master Name Numbers are instructions that help one understand what they still have to do to fulfill their mission in life, assigned to them before their birth.
Karmic Numbers reveal the causes of our problems and indicate the direction of changes needed. And, finally, Master Numbers are about our destination in life.
Learn moreLetters of Your Name, Potential Talents and Weaknesses
Letters of one's full birth name contain information about their strengths and weaknesses, their innate abilities or absence of such, as well as potentials to develop and use these abilities.
Numbers corresponding to each letter in the name stand for talents that one can uncover and constantly develop, being sure that their effort will bear fruit.
Learn moreSpecial Name Letters
Each letter in one's first name stands for a set of personal characteristics. All these have an effect on character development, though some more than others. The hierarchy of influences is defined by the arrangement of letters in the name.
Human personality is most influenced by the name's first and last letters, as well as its first vowel.
Learn moreName and Psychological Type
Based on the Name Number, each person can be assigned to one of the four basic personality types, corresponding to their character's peculiarities and behavior. This is referred to as Planes of Expression.
These include: Physical plane that represents body; Mental plane that represents mind; Emotional plane that represents feelings; and Intuitive plane that represents spirit and inner perception.
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