
Part 2 - Talents And Abilities
Hierarchy of Name Numbers

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Three out of five Numerology Core numbers are Name Numbers: Expression Number, Soul Urge Number and Personality Number.

However, the list of Name Numbers extends beyond these indicators. A person's full name is the widest field for analysis, and information encoded in it is absolutely essential if you want to navigate through life well.

Hierarchy of Name Numbers

Apart from the Numerology Core, Name Numbers are represented by the following subcategories: First Name Number, Middle Name Number, Surname Number and numbers of certain letters that form the basis for identifying a person's Planes of Expression and drawing up their Chart of Inclusions.

Needless to say, there is a hierarchy of Name Numbers – according to the degree of their influence on the formation of personality. Obviously, the most powerful number is the Expression Number – the sum of all numerical values of full name letters.

The numbers of certain segments of the full name rank second in importance: First Name Number, Middle Name Number and Surname Number.

Only then, ranking third in informative value, follow indicators calculated on the basis of specific letters: Soul Urge Number (vowels of the full name), Personality Number (consonants of the full name), as well as the numbers used to calculate the Planes of Expression.

And, finally the lowest level is represented by numbers that form the basis for the Chart of Inclusions.

In my view, the reasons why the hierarchy of name numbers is built this way are obvious.

Expression Number

Expression Number has the same significant influence on one's Destiny as Life Path Number. First, because it determines our abilities. Although we generally need time to identify and develop them, ultimately, these are they that define the value of our offer to the world and, consequently, – the way and quality of our life.

That is why Expression Number is the most valuable prompt for parents in planning the process of child's upbringing. If, for example, your son's Expression Number contains the three or the nine, be wary of sending him to military school. You will ruin his life – irreversibly.

As for adults, information contained in Expression Number is a possibility to radically change life for the better. All it takes is to channel your efforts to developing your inborn abilities if they have been left beyond your attention so far.

First Name Number, Middle Name Number and Surname Number

These name numbers rank second in importance – for solid reasons.

First Name Number is the basics of one's motivation, their type of temperament. Information encoded in this number will help you understand if you have enough energy to fulfill your capacities.

If you got your Middle Name after someone else, with the name you receive some of this person's energy resources. Furthermore, you will acquire the basics of their world view and, to a certain degree, their best traits.

Surname (Family Name) Number represents ancestral traits, common among all your kin. There is a significant nuance here as well. If a woman takes her husband's surname at marriage, she will retain everything that she inherited from her ancestors, although it will be sidelined by the qualities of her new surname.

But if someone, regardless of the gender, just wants to get rid of their last name, they simply try to get rid of their ancestral traits. This is the first step on the way to inner disharmony.

Soul Urge Number and Personality Number

You already know enough about these numbers – they are constituent elements of the Numerology Core. Still, I suppose, it cannot hurt to revise the material we have studied.

Soul Urge Number defines the list of your main desires that you intend to accomplish. Here, it is vital to trust Numerology calculations more than your own opinion. This is especially critical when you are young, when your desires may often be imposed externally, borrowed from others, provoked by the need to be like someone who appeals to others. And only Soul Urge Number gives right guidance.

Personality Number, like any number obtained by Numerology calculations, cannot be changed. In this context, it means that no matter how you change your appearance, you will remain the same in the eyes of others. However, you still can change people’s final opinion of you if you do not want to put up with the existing one. You need to work on your your behavior pattern to accomplish it. It is behavior that makes 90% of your outer personality. As you know, first impression by no means always reflects the truth.

Planes of Expression

Planes of Expression refer to four types of one's relationship with the world, four levels of their contacts with reality. It is commonly believed that Planes of Expression represent specific features of temperament. Please note that in this context the term "temperament" includes the level of your emotional balance, the tempo of your movement through life, specific features of your character, your reaction to people and circumstances.

  • Physical Plane of Expression is represented by the fours and fives contained in the name you got at birth. These are functional conditions of your body, all conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, all uncontrolled reactions. Number 4 adds ability to work to Physical Plane of work capacity, and number 5 determines the presence of such qualities as curiosity and interest to life.
  • Mental Plane of Expression is represented by 1 and 8. It is your intelligence. Number one defines the strength of your will and persistence in your zeal to achieve the goal. The eight stands for wit, logic, ability to control the situation in any circumstances.
  • Emotional Plane of Expression reflects your feelings. In Numerology, it is represented by numbers 2, 3 and 6. The two stands for composure, peacefulness and kindness. The three means vivid imagination and associative thinking. And the six is impressionability, the tendency to develop close relations with people.
  • Intuitive Plane of Expression implies your ability for inner vision, analysis based not so much on logic, but on your own perception. It is represented by numbers 7 and 9. The seven is an analyst who uses well-developed intuition to find answers to any questions. And the nine is pure sensibility. All logical constructs are absolutely alien to such a person.

It is very simple to understand the proportion of each of the four Planes of Expression in your personality. Use the chart familiar to you to find out the numbers corresponding to the letters of your name.




































Then see what numbers prevail in your name.

Plane of Expression Digits Letters
Physical 4 and 5 D M V E N W
Mental 1 and 8 A J S H Q Z
Emotional 2,3 and 6 B K T C L U F O X
Intuitive 7 and 9 G P Y I R

If it is the fours and fives, then your dominating Plane of Expression is Physical one; if it is the ones and eights, then it is Mental Plane; if the twos, threes and sixes prevail – it is Emotional one; if sevens and nines – Intuitive.

Well, if your name contains almost an equal proportion of these nine digits, you are a harmonious being, who equally calmly deals with the twists and turns of life, whatever they may be.

Chart of Inclusions

To fill in your Chart of Inclusions you need to do the same things, but completely for a different purpose. In the previous case, in order to determine your Planes of Expressions you used numerical values of the letters in your name, now these numbers will help you identify the abilities you should pay special attention to.

Once you put the numerical equivalents of the letters in your name into the Chart of Inclusions, your eye will instantly be caught by the fact that one or two numbers are represented by the largest number of inclusions. The qualities of these numbers represent the abilities that you need to develop.

Keep in mind that the quality represented on the Chart of Inclusions by only one number may be the most prospective one if it coincides with your Personality Number or Life Path Number.


Try to calculate your Planes of Expression and fill in the Chart of Inclusions. Be very careful: a single mistake - and you will get it all wrong.

To check your calculations, use the Numerology Chart

Numerology Chart Online

Your Full Name (Which name should I enter?)
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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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