
Part 2 - Talents And Abilities
Weak Points. Subconscious Self Number

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The previous lesson was devoted to identifying the strengths of your personality and your most functional abilities by means of an elementary numerological analysis of the letters of your full name.

The information inherent in the letters of the name goes far beyond that. In addition to the information about your hidden abilities, they also contain indications of your weaknesses. It is obvious that if a large quantity of a particular number determines the strong side of one’s nature, the absence of one or several numbers, as well as their minimum quantity, is considered a sign of weakness.

Sources of Our Weaknesses

However, as I have already said, absence of any number is not a defect in the generally accepted meaning of this word. It just means that the ability corresponding to the missing number is expressed in you weaker than others. Since this is virtually a congenital indicator, you must have already identified your weakness, and even got used to it.

By the way, blank spaces in the numerical row of letters of the name are not the only numerological indicator that speaks of our weaknesses. Any karmic number in any position weakens us, if only because it requires an additional expenditure of vital forces necessary to repay one’s karmic debt.

In a sense, lack of one or more abilities is also a karmic lesson. Yes, we have reconciled with the absence of this or that ability, and we perceive this fact as given. Still, in a situation when this ability is needed, we make efforts to compensate for our weakness with the strengths of our own personality. That is, we perform actions similar to those required from us when a karmic number is found in the numerological core.

How to Identify Your Weaknesses

You do it the same way as you identify your strengths: you need to find the numerical meanings of the letters of your full name and write them out in a column according to their nomination value. This time you should pay attention not to those numbers that are many but to those that are represented by a small quantity or are absent altogether. They indicate your weaknesses.

Let’s do the procedure using the example of an arbitrary combination of the first name, the middle name and the last name.

Let's say, Sarah Elizabeth Carpenter. Using the table of numerical equivalents, we obtain the following numerical series:


Based on the results obtained, the number frequency table will look like this:

Цифра Качество Буквы Количество
Единицы Лидерство S,A,A,A,A 5
Двойки Дипломатия B,T,T 3
Тройки Креативность L,C 2
Четверки Трудолюбие 0
Пятерки Общительность E,E,E,N,E 5
Шестерки Чувство долга 0
Семерки Мудрость P 1
Восьмерки Авторитет H,Z,H 3
Девятки Гармония R,I,R,R 4

Conclusions are obvious: Sarah has a poorly expressed ability to accumulate and analyze information (7), and completely lacks the abilities to work (4) and feel compassion (6).

Subconscious Self Number

Even at the early stages of growing up, we often find ourselves in situations where we need to show this or that ability. Each case strengthens our confidence that we have a particular ability. Over the years we lose doubt that at the right moment this ability will manifest itself.

The more numbers of different nomination values we have in our frequency table, the more there are different situations that we are subconsciously prepared for. We are no longer afraid of unforeseen circumstances, we know for sure that we can handle them. This forms the subconscious confidence in our abilities and ourselves.

How to Calculate Your Subconscious Self Number

To calculate your Subconscious Self Number, you need to subtract the quantity of numbers you are missing from 9 - the maximum quantity of numbers of different nomination values that may be present in the full name. Or you can just count how many different numbers there are in your frequency table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In our example, two numbers are missing - 4 and 6. Subtracting 2 from 9, we get 7. This is the Subconscious Self Number of Sarah Elizabeth Carpenter.

Subconscious Self Number Descriprion

Please note that neither one, nor two may be Subconscious Self Number because names consisting of one or two letters do not exist in the English language.

  1. You depend on people around you and are unable to deal with any force major event – you always need support.
  2. You need to be absolutely confident in the future, and such confidence may be secured only by having a family and a highly demanded profession.
  3. You are used to avoiding problems by refraining from actions that demonstrate your lack of self-discipline.
  4. You need to take more care of your own interests; otherwise, your altruism may lead you into extreme poverty.
  5. Applying your intelligence and the ability to see the situation as a whole, you can find a decent way out of any situation.
  6. You feel confident in any situation but do not perceive success if the achievement does not entail material remuneration.
  7. No set of circumstances may take you aback but this is what makes you indifferent.


  1. Identify your weaknesses in order to know which abilities you should not count on because of their absence.
  2. Calculate your Subconscious Self Number. Its value will help you stay calm in situations for which you are subconsciously prepared.
Numerological Calculator

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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