
Part 2 - Talents And Abilities
Special Name Letters

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Each letter of your name contains information about your abilities. But the abilities of one’s personality depend not only on the qualities of the number with the respective nominal value, but also on their arrangement. So their influence is not equivalent.

There are some special letters that play a key role in influencing our lives in the most critical moments. For example, the numerical value of the first letter of your given name determines your attitude in every new undertaking. Thus, in Numerology the first letter of the name is called the Cornerstone.

The last letter of the given name is also a special one. It determines the way that we perceive the outcomes of completed tasks – success and loss. In Numerology, this letter is referred to as the Capstone.

For example, if a person is called George, his number of the first letter is 1, the number of the last one is 5. It means that he undertakes any task being fully concentrated on the purpose and never takes failures to heart. He always has an alternative option.

One's full name contains some other numbers having a special meaning. These are Hidden Passion Number, Subconscious Self Number and Balance Number.

Hidden Passion Number

Hidden Passion Number is the number represented by the largest amount of inclusions in the sequence of numbers corresponding to the letters of your full name.

For example, Hidden Passion Number of a lady called Annabel Angela Adams is one as this name contains seven letters corresponding to number 1.

Цифра Качество Буквы Количество
Единицы Лидерство A,A,A,A,A,A,S 7
Двойки Дипломатия B 1
Тройки Креативность L,L 2
Четверки Трудолюбие D,M 2
Пятерки Общительность N,N,E,N,E 5
Шестерки Чувство долга 0
Семерки Мудрость G 1
Восьмерки Авторитет 0
Девятки Гармония 0

I will try to give brief interpretations of all nine numbers that may be Hidden Passion Number.

  1. It is the wish to fulfill your ambitions by withstanding in the competitive struggle that makes you most emotional.
  2. Your top-priority wish is peace, quietness and smooth relations with everyone around you.
  3. Your hidden passion is aimed at gaining popularity by any means at your disposal.
  4. The object of your hidden passion is achieving prosperity both on the personal and social level.
  5. First and foremost you value freedom that you intend to preserve in any situation and under any circumstances.
  6. You primary need is to find someone whose life will be fully dependent on your devotion.
  7. The object of your hidden passion is you as such – your intelligence, your love for self-perfection and your entire lifestyle.
  8. Your hidden passion is success, fame and all attributes of personal prosperity.
  9. For you it does not matter what to aim at, if it serves for the good of others.

Subconscious Self Number

In fact, you are already familiar with the sequence of steps enabling you to identify your Subconscious Self Number: you need to subtract the number of those numerical values, which are completely absent from your name, from 9, i.e. the maximum amount of different numbers. The resulting difference will be your Subconscious Self Number.

I just need to explain the meanings of different results. Please note that neither one, nor two may be Subconscious Self Number because names consisting of one or two letters do not exist in the English language.

  1. You depend on people around you and are unable to deal with any force major event – you always need support.
  2. You need to be absolutely confident in the future, and such confidence may be secured only by having a family and a highly demanded profession.
  3. You are used to avoiding problems by refraining from actions that demonstrate your lack of self-discipline.
  4. You need to take more care of your own interests; otherwise, your altruism may lead you into extreme poverty.
  5. Applying your intelligence and the ability to see the situation as a whole, you can find a decent way out of any situation.
  6. You feel confident in any situation but do not perceive success if the achievement does not entail material remuneration.
  7. No set of circumstances may take you aback but this is what makes you indifferent.

Balance Number

Different people differently respond to complications arising in their lives. Especially if complications arise unexpectedly. Such situations make some people fall into despondency, while others experience internal protest and brace up.

The answer to the question of how to deal with difficult situations with minimum losses is in your Balance Number.

From the mathematical perspective, Balance Number is the sum of numerical values of your initials. If, for example, your full name is Anne Mary Philips, your initials are letters A, M and P with corresponding numbers 1, 4 and 7. Their sum amounts to 12 that gives three after Numerological reduction. This number will be your Balance Number.




































Below you can see brief interpretations of the meanings of this number.

  1. Your power is in the people around you, who can give you advice to help you solve the problem.
  2. Refrain from showing emotions and try to keep calm in difficult situations – it will help you find a compromise solution.
  3. You should learn to keep your feelings in check as they prevent you from objectivity in situations involving a conflict of interest.
  4. Your power is in discipline that will help you restrain your negative attitude to people who caused your problems.
  5. Do not try to avoid difficult situations, face problems openly, otherwise too many of them will accumulate in your life.
  6. Solve your problems independently – a habit to call for help once and again weakens your confidence in your abilities.
  7. Remember that running away from problems is not a constructive solution and always try to use your analytical skills to find a way out.
  8. Use your energy potential to control people without initiating a conflict.
  9. You will be able to get out of the most complicated situation if you pay less attention to your personal needs and learn to give without expecting to get something in return.


Identify all special letters of your name and find their numerical values. Although they are not Major Numbers, their influence should not be disregarded.

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Manuel Cooper
Numeroscop team

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