How to calculate the Heart's Desire Number
All you need is state your name and date of birth
You can calculate the Heart's Desire Number by adding the numerical values of all the vowels of your name, surname and patronymic by reducing them to single digits. Adding these numbers again and again and thus bringing them to a single-digit number, we get the Heart’s Desire Number. In the case of dominant numbers, it is not necessary to reduce them to single digits.
To determine your Heart's Desire Number or Personality Number, in the first place you need to use the value table and determine the numerical value of all the vowels of your surname, name and patronymic:
Then add up all the figures corresponding to the letters from the table.
Explanation of the Heart's Desire Number meanings
Heart's Desire Number 1 – One is the number of an impulsive person, aimed at achieving high goals. Individualism and selfishness drive you and give some impulse to action. Having set a goal, people whose Soul Number is One do not dare to change course and are eager to advance. You can’t stand any restrictions; that is why you deal with all the problems from the very beginning of their appearance. You are a fearless leader, persistent and determined.
Heart's Desire Number 2 – This is a symbol of a person who is calm in behavior and actions, soft, tactful, with the ability to find compromises and keep one’s head. You are a person with a confrontation between two equally strong origins that act in the opposing directions. Due to these confrontations, you possess balance and tranquility within. You are easily subordinate, passive and soft. You are closer to the role of an adviser or a designer, rather than that of an executive.
Heart's Desire Number 3 – This is the symbol of a Universal person. Man's will and woman’s love are put together inside you. Three means the complete contrast of the two parts of your inner self. Number 3 symbolizes the triangle of life between the past, the present and the future - Birth, Life and Death. As for the people whose Soul Number is 3, they are light-minded, frivolous; as a rule, they live day by day, not paying attention to everyday hustle and bustle. These people are not able to single-handedly cope with themselves, to reveal their own abilities. The main goal of life is to rise in the world, and exercise control and power over others; although they themselves are excellent at coping with orders.
Heart's Desire Number 4 – This is a number that symbolizes four elements, four seasons and four periods of life. People with Heart's Desire Number 4 are hardworking, balanced and reasonable. They achieve everything by themselves. In discussions, they take the opposite position and very rarely give way to emotions. They are violently opposed to rules and instructions, they welcome reforms. Four means success in technical areas.
Heart's Desire Number 5 – This is a symbol of a person who does not stay in one place, striving for self-improvement, search and experience. You are full of enthusiasm and strive for adventure and risk. The decision to act is spontaneous and sudden. In life, you are ruled by a positive attitude, resourcefulness, wit and cheerfulness. You are directed only forward and think only of the positive outcome of everything, whatever you do. As a rule, people with Soul Number 5 are nervous, adventurous and very mobile.
Heart's Desire Number 6 – This is the number of creative personality, the symbol of family and reunification of man and woman to create a new life. Number six also symbolizes the connection between God and Person. People with Soul Number 6 are reliable, honest, able to achieve respect and improve not only their own conditions of life, but also those of people around them. They are patient and have a natural internal magnetism, but they are tough and persistent in the implementation of their plans. They are very romantic and love art; they do not tolerate with jealousy and all sorts of discord. They easily find a common language with everyone. They have a great ability to make friends and an increased sense of duty. They are a homebody, happy among their family and friends.
Heart's Desire Number 7 – It refers to Sacred Numbers, being a symbol of mystery and knowledge. It has long been believed that number 7 implies the basis of all evolution. It was to the seven spirits that God entrusted the power over the elements, from which all animals and plants were subsequently created. This number means seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes in the scale, etc. The person, whose Soul Number is 7, is a creative personality, albeit with some oddities. Well-developed intuition, ability to analyze, rich and vivid imagination are characteristic features of such people. As a rule, such people make good artists, poets or other creative professions.
Heart's Desire Number 8 – This is the number of material success, the number of reliable people able to bring everything to perfection. On the one hand, this is the number of total upheaval or revolution, and on the other hand, of religious commitment, philosophical thinking and the inevitable perspective that encompasses all actions. People with Soul Number 8 are different from most other people. They hide their feelings as a result of which they are often judged and rumored about. At heart, they are alone and rarely find understanding among people, and after death, they are often extolled. Your Soul Number in professional sphere means success in business, fearlessness in all spheres of life, in particular in commerce and industry. You have the talent to manage the team and outstanding administrative abilities.
Heart's Desire Number 9 – This is a universal number, which has the characteristic features of all primes. It is a symbol of success and excellence. Heart's Desire Number 9 initiates the person to all stages of their life, and also reveals all sacraments of life, death and rebirth. It symbolizes you as a highly intelligent person, possessing great physical strength in all its forms, capable of developing and uncovering a huge potential. Your success is based on creative and artistic skills. You are the owner of wonderful magnetic abilities. The main problem of such people is not knowledge, or the way they should move; very often they do not realize their abilities. These people are very impulsive and quick-tempered, which causes the greatest danger to them.
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