Global opportunities
Opportunities in daily life
As a matter of fact, our whole life is a continuous chain of certain events, a series of pressing issues that need to be resolved, and circumstances that force us to make choices. Each of such cases does not only adjust the direction you move forward, but also leaves its mark on your personality. The thing is, sometimes it is a gold medal of a hero, and sometimes – a mark of disgrace. The more you have of one, the lesser the chance of another is. It is what is called Life Path.
It's also worth mentioning that different people live at different speeds. That's why for some, a problem is the reason to stop for a while and contemplate, whereas for others it's just a fitting occasion to take spontaneous intuitive actions. However, no one is immune to mistakes, except, perhaps, that the latter tend to make more. Then again, they'll have more time to correct them.
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