
Baby Boy Names Beginning with the Letter K (Kees — Kelvyn)

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NameOriginPlanetMetallZodiacLucky number
KeesLatin-America♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo13/4
KefentseBotswana♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo31/4
KeganCeltic☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra20/2
♂♀ KehindeAfrica☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra38/2
♂♀ KeiAfrica☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo16/7
KeiferGaelic♂ Mars, ♃ JupiterIron♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius36/9
KeijiJapan♂ Mars, ♄ SaturnIron, Tin♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn26/8
♂♀ KeilahIrish☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo28/1
KeilanGaelic☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo25/7
KeillanGaelic☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo28/1
KeinScotland♃ JupiterZinc, Tin♓ Pisces, ♐ Sagittarius21/3
KeirCeltic☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo25/7
KeiranGaelic♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo31/4
KeitaroJapan☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo34/7
KeithIreland♂ Mars, ♄ SaturnIron, Tin♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn26/8
KekEgypt♂ Mars, ♃ JupiterIron♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius9/9
♂♀ KekonaHawaii♃ JupiterZinc, Tin♓ Pisces, ♐ Sagittarius21/3
♂♀ KeladryAmerica♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo31/4
KelaiahIsrael☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra29/2
KelanIreland☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo16/7
♂♀ KelbyGaelic☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo19/1
KeldanNorway☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra20/2
KeldenGaelic♀ VenusCopper ♎ Libra,♉ Taurus24/6
KeleAmerica♀ VenusCopper ♎ Libra,♉ Taurus15/6
KelemenHungary☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra29/2
KeliiAmerica☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo28/1
KelitahIsrael♃ JupiterZinc, Tin♓ Pisces, ♐ Sagittarius30/3
KellNorway♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo13/4
KellachIreland☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo25/7
♂♀ KellanGaelic☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo19/1
KelleGaelic♂ Mars, ♃ JupiterIron♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius18/9
KelleherIreland♄ Saturn, ☿ MercuryTin♍ Virgo40/4
♂♀ KellenGaelic☿ Mercury, ♅ Uranus Mercury ♊ Twins,♒ Aquarius23/5
KellerGaelic♂ Mars, ♃ JupiterIron♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius27/9
♂♀ KelleyGaelic☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo25/7
KellmanHungary☿ Mercury, ♅ Uranus Mercury ♊ Twins,♒ Aquarius23/5
♂♀ KellsieAmerica☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo28/1
♂♀ KellyGaelic☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra20/2
♂♀ KellyeGaelic☾ Moon, ♆ NeptuneZinc, Tin♓ Pisces,♍ Virgo25/7
KelmanLatin-America☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra20/2
KelmenSpain♀ VenusCopper ♎ Libra,♉ Taurus24/6
♂♀ KelseaScandinavia♂ Mars, ♄ SaturnIron, Tin♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn17/8
♂♀ KelseyIreland☿ Mercury, ♅ Uranus Mercury ♊ Twins,♒ Aquarius23/5
KelsigNorway♂ Mars, ♃ JupiterIron♈ Aries,♐ Sagittarius27/9
KelsoScotland♂ Mars, ♄ SaturnIron, Tin♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn17/8
KeltonIreland☿ Mercury, ♅ Uranus Mercury ♊ Twins,♒ Aquarius23/5
KelvanCeltic☾ MoonSilver♎ Libra20/2
KelvenCeltic♀ VenusCopper ♎ Libra,♉ Taurus24/6
KelvinCeltic☉ Sun Gold♌ Leo28/1
KelvynCeltic♂ Mars, ♄ SaturnIron, Tin♏ Scorpio,♑ Capricorn26/8